Broadly caricaturing people who disagree with you about a movie sure is easy, huh?
Broadly caricaturing people who disagree with you about a movie sure is easy, huh?
Are you a plant or a bot?
Anything asserted as canonical can be undone at the stroke of a pen, and while copyright might prevent me from distributing my own version of a story, the copyright holder can’t prevent me from deciding which version or parts of a story I consider canonical.
Well, I get what you mean but the point here is that the book in question isn’t a novel but rather a fictional history book intentionally written to imitate the kind of bias and bullshit peppered into real historical texts. So it’s built on the accounts of primarily 2 fictional characters with often conflicting…
Stalin was an authoritarian. But you know that.
Yeah, I came here to say.
I love how the introductory paragraph acts like it’s Hamm’s fault this dumb site will wring six paragraphs out of any offhand intimation that someone enjoys any other type of movie over a superhero movie.
Yes. The movie about the 60 year-old man who can fly the end mission from Star Wars a million times better than a bunch of 20 year-olds is definitely not a wish-fulfillment superhero movie.
This article sucks.
Holy shit, the mental gymnastics on display here to pretend this isn’t just plain-old racism and xenophobia are mind-boggling.
Also, people suggest that European people are pretentious all the time. That’s like. . . one of the things Americans say about Europeans.
Near the giant pool that Keaton bought with the money from being in Morbius is a towel rack that starring in Birdman paid for.
Nope; please - it’s far cruder than that.
It must piss Inarritu off so much that Michael Keaton went right back to comic book movies.
That sounds like the explanation a publicist would give who was bending over backwards to cover for a client.
Yeah, I’m going to say comparing superhero movies to violent, systematic, centuries-long erasure of languages, religions, and customs is the more offensive statement.
Half Life 3 confirmed!
“If I were from Denmark or Sweden, I might be seen as philosophical, but when you’re Mexican and you say things, you’re pretentious.”
Good job making Tom Hanks look like Walter Matthau playing Mark Twain.
Are you really this desperately lonely?