
So what’s the solution? This is the Internet, people aren’t going to stop bitching. And bitching about the site is in its DNA, people have always done that here for one reason or another.

I don’t blame the writers so much for anything; at least they’re keeping the site going. I just wish they’d embrace their readership (us) a bit more. A lot more. Maybe they don’t based on mandates from on high. I don’t know.

If you can tell me how to reach into my brain and stop it from automatically typing that “AV” into my browser bar, I’m all ears.”

Now the AV Club is just trolling its readership with this stuff, and I am totally here for it.

This was always an obvious fabrication. Everyone knows that Harry is daily drained of every bodily fluid and that these fluids are then reduced to an oily paste and applied to Olivia Wilde’s forehead as a smoothing lotion.

Thanks for sharing, although I’m not sure that has anything to do with this article or post.

I’d counter with Arondir, but I’m sure he has a separate problem with that character. 

Gaiman (as usual) had the best response.

Best take I’ve seen summing up the “outrage”

“I know people have a bunch of questions. I get it. I’m right there with you,”

“So, I’ve got this great new idea for a sketch. What we’re gonna do, right, is, we’re going to molest a child.”

No, like 15% less obsessed than that

I have no problem with a review site biting the hand that clearly spent a fortune on pre-emptive PR with it.

I mean, I get it, I am kind of obsessed with Florence Pugh too. But this site probably should try to find other things to write about also. Are there any new TV shows they could watch and review, for example?

Florence Pugh is a very good actress” is hardly a take so improbable that her publicist would have to be behind it.

Funny Or Die found this video absolutely disgusting and would never produce such content,” said the company in response to the lawsuit. “We were not involved with the conceptualization, development, funding or production of this video. It was uploaded to the site as user-generated content and was removed in 2018

you said foot

I mean, this review is hardly an outsider in its characterization of both Pugh and the movie itself. The Guardian, USA Today, IndieWire, Deadline, Daily Beast and The Hollywood Reporter all have some version of this same sentiment in their reviews: The movie has serious flaws but Pugh herself is very good in it. So

Now playing

She once bragged during an interview that an ex-boyfriend was a pimp and that she “stole his bitch” and then she started exploiting the woman sexually and financially. The interviewers keep trying to make sound less horrifying than it is, but TH doubles down and goes on to explain she called the woman dogface. (Starts

Okay, this review on top of not shutting the fuck up about the movie is actually some of the best trolling ever. Bring on the chaos.