Yes lets be united with the... *checks notes* president and vice president nominees who have called for violence against democrats, removal of Mexicans, and think trans people should not exist.
I like Jon, but this is par for the course with him. I think he’s a phenomenal critic of the media, but is much worse as a political pundit, especially when he tries to engage in good faith with his bad faith sparring partners from the right. It’s very cringe-worthy, and only gets moreso as the climate continues to…
If Jon thinks having Bad Faith Argument O’Reilly on to discuss the political divide is “balance”, what does that say about him?
Oh yeah ‘If they’re happy’, sorry, I’m still not fully on the trolly with using non gendered pronouns in my writing. It’s hardish to switch over when you were taught to use gendered pronouns if possibly.
Bold of you to assume that anything about these awards is either fun or entertaining.
James Gunn's The Suicide Squad is actually really good. (have to write it out so people don't mistake it for the other shittier suicide squad) but yeah animation wise DC has been the heavy hitter for a while now...just so long as you don't look at the cars...or planes...or for gotham by gas light the giant set piece…
I don’t understand this website’s level of hatred for harmless movies made for six year olds.
Mah bad, ace!
Insert Norm Macdonald clip about how he disagreed with Patton Oswalt that Cosby’s hypocrisy was the worst part, but that instead it was all the rape.
That’s how the whole thing hit me. In general, I assume most comedians are lying about basically everything and more so playing a character on stage to deliver material, none of which actually happened. It’s just funny story telling most of the time. For Louis CK though, the jokes don’t land the same knowing he is a…
The worst part is probably his terrible actions.
Man the CG in that lead photo looks straight out of 1998
It’s weird that the nepo baby critique is always about people in the arts and not people in business, where the outcome is more substantive (and funnier) when someone just fucking sucks
Defending innocent civilians is antisemitism. You must be a terrorist.
Right? Whose interests are served by capitulating to a binary system where both sides have already sold us out to the highest bidder? So we can take another 50 years to reach Fascism instead of 25?
“50 cent version of Batman” is pretty much Rorschach’s entire deal though.
It doesn’t sound like you understand the trolley problem or the stakes here, but go off king. I don’t doubt you’d be complaining about OP “throwing their vote away” if they said they were voting 3rd party instead. Joe Biden is not going to win the upcoming election and should step down. This is not a conspiracy.
Nobody is owed my vote.
In some ways, it’s kind of cool. Why on earth does “kids music” exist, generally? Is there really a shortage of regular music that kids can safely listen to? It’s like if there were dozens of G and PG movies out every year that weren’t explicitly about kids, so someone then decided they had to make dozens more movies…