
The usual: I never drop the accent, even between scenes, used condoms all around, everyone has to call me “Mr. Lincoln” at all times even though I’m playing Mark Antony.

The subtext of this article seems to be “I’m mad at Harry Styles but I shouldn’t have to tell you why.”

I feel like there’s room for a more grounded Saints Row than SR4, but gleeful amorality is a huge part of the appeal of this series, and not leaning into that seems like a misstep. This series’s ethos really should be “be gay, do crimes.”

Exactly. There are many things that were rushed in the final season, Dany’s character isn’t one of them. She was trending that way for quite awhile. She was just fun to root for, which is why so many people got upset about it when it actually happened.

Yeah we were watching a villain origin story all along. I understand not liking that twist, but I question a TV reviewer who can’t grasp the objective plot movements. 

“... ended with what is arguably the most poorly thought-out character assassination in television history: In a rushed heel turn, Daenerys Targaryen, our intelligent, ambitious, and charismatic (if controversial) heroine for eight seasons, looked down on King’s Landing from astride her dragon, went abruptly apeshit,

this reminds me of Chappelle continuing to run his mouth after catching hell for his anti-trans bullshit..their egos can’t comprehend that someone might have a reason not to revere them so they start arrogantly flailing about how they’re right and everyone else is wrong when they should both shut the fuck up.

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I believe the lesson is: if you promise people a decently built home for the price they pay for it, then you should actually hold up your side of the bargain.

Hahahaha fuck I remember that.

It’s always the ones you completely expect.

On an intellectual level I understand why that isn’t done more, but damn do I wish studios would take chances like that. Take something that has a solid core but fell down somewhere like execution, casting, timing, whatever, and try to do that core justice.

He produced the movie. He’s inherently responsible for everything that happens on set, even if he’s not morally culpable for it.

He pulled the trigger of the gun that killed one person and injured another. Even if God himself came down and told Alec, “Don’t worry. The gun isn’t loaded,” you don’t see at least one way he would be at fault?

He was also a producer, and as such had some responsibility for the way the set was run.

Man, in my town Angry Anderson (one of the Nats’ shortest-lived candidates, and former singer of Rose Tattoo), tried building a new three-story PCYC...

Careful, Alec! Pointing things is how you got into this mess!

Sesame Street points out that monsters are fine and good.

I got yer headline right here:

Or, hear me out. It’s showing what women go through at work and in life?