
This show is SOO good. It's mixture of all the NBC best comedies; Parks and Rec, The Office, 30 Rock, I LOVE IT! I also love the plot twists at the end of each episode. It's one the best comedies right now but it's not getting the attention it deserves!

How he got shot. He got shot from down so he fell down forward. If it were a sniper he would've fallen backward….I think we're digging in to it too deep..

Exactly! And the people around the stage(and on the stage)didn't see the bullet coming from down?!?!

One thing I Love-hate about Scandal is how it make us love- hate Papa Pope. It has been a recurring dynamic throughout the series…one part he's a terrible, awful son of a b****, but after while he's this amazing guy who loves his daughter and wants to protect her(and we need to root for him). Plus I felt ultimately

I think it might be Mike, the secret serviceman to the President…

Endings can make an episode AMAZING!

I can't believe Larry's dead….

You're kidding right?! This was one of the funniest episodes this season. There were some unrealistic coincidences but it made me laugh, MANY times! And i'm finally glad they told Cam and Mitch to just talk already…they made a comedy bit out of their style of writing for Cam and Mitch, which i thought was awesome!

GIRL, you have no idea!!!

I was SOOO ready to WEEP for this episode, but unfortunately it didn't make me. There were some beautiful moments that gave me chills, but I didn't get to use the Kleenex that I bought specially for this episode! I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE NEXT SEASON!!!

Yup I agree, at the start Day didn't look comfortable but as the show progressed he started to fit in and now hes able to play almost any role and get a laugh from it, on the other hand Moffat is still finding his place… Villasenor has the impressions going for her, hope she gets more recognized and doesn't get axed

I never took back what I said about the review though, I still felt he underrated the episode! And I didn't suck up to the reviewer I was genuinely surprised that he responded cuz no other reviewer on this site has responded to comments about the review(even when i want them to, like HTGAWMs reviewer)

No, I said the previous episode got a "better review" than last nights one, despite last nights being funnier, but I'll make an edit!

What are the other conspiracy theories?😂😂

I disagree with this review. I felt this was a funny episode and it deserved at least a B, it did lose steam towards the end(like it always does), but I still loved it! I was especially happy to see many of the funny sketches that had nothing to do with Trump(they dont solely depend on him for their comedy). Usually

"Better—in fact the best of the night—was the movie trailer for TBD", Please! You guys just liked it cause they gave a you a shoutout. It was the best out of a night of unwatchable sketches.

Clearly, everyone disagrees with your view!

Jimmy killed it last night….so i was sad to see that they screwed it up at the end, but Jimmy was SOOO gracious and he blamed himself for the screw up! Glad Moonlight won, more deserving than La La Land, I loved both but i'm glad it Moonlight won! Oh, and Viola Davis was wonderful too. Her speech was SO beautiful and

No you're correct, Laurels dad was working with the DA to kill Wes and frame Annalise for it. Why? That's the plot for S4

She did tell Annalise to "take care of my boy"..