
Let’s give break with the character development. This episode was really funny! One of the funniest this season, period!

This mid-season finale may have been one of the most disappointing in HTGAWM’s history. I had high hopes for this one, ever since the season premiere(which was executed brilliantly)! The individual performances of each actor and the character development was clear in this episode, but there was SOO much going on that

I just read the plot of Roanoke and I’m already scare! Intrigued, but scared.

The show excels when they focus of two, maximum three, story lines. They tried to jam pack the emotions of about 12 different relationships and it was destined to fail.

I’ve never watched AHS before, Cult is the first season of AHS I’ve been watching and I’m HOOKED! I know many people didn’t like the political aspect of it, but for me it really tied into the show. In fact, this seems more scary than ghosts of whatever... The show has a Handmaids Tale feel. I always have a sense of

It looks like Asher/Bonnie might be a thing again.


when it’s Viola Davis delivering the ridiculousness, it does work. She can sell anything.

I agree that it wasn’t the most well written episode of the season, but it definitely delivered more laughs. The scene where Gloria said it was finally nice to have somebody fun again in the house and Joe looks down at the camera had me laugh my voice out! Overall it was a funny episode but with disappointing writing.

I knew this was going to be controversial, and rightly so...

Yeah, that’s what’s been floating around in the inter webs and is the most reasonable explanation. Let’s see if that’s where the show is going.

Frank is, increasingly, a pointless character.

A very smart episode, it seems perfect for a season premiere because it sets the pace for the season. No more BS, Olivia is BACK baby!

Having parallel story lines seems to be working wonders for How To Get Away With Murder! Over the past two seasons the show wasn’t really able to exhibit Annalise “the lawyer” very well, because she was constantly bogged down with the kids’ drama. This isolated story line gives time for us to appreciate Annalise and

Yeah, i came to aconclusion that Laurel is in a mental instituition. After reding a lot of reviews and rewatching, it’s what makes most sense!

I read on Entertainment Weekly that that could be a Mental Institution. Karla couldn’t confirm or deny.....

Honestly, I had really low expectations for this premiere. I couldn’t predict where the show would go next. Last season was great, but it left a lot questions that needs to be answer and by the look of this premier I think we’re gonna get a LOT of those answers! This episode really BLEW MY MIND! I knew these writers

It wa amazing at first, but as time went on the writers couldn’t cope up with the growth of the characters. Although, I do admit, that Mitch and Cam have become more of polar opposites in the later seasons and I certainly don’t like it!

Sometime my cynicism runs deep, but I admit that the closing family rendition of “Total Eclipse Of The Heart” was sweet.

But he didn't hear Paeus or any of that. He made Luna do it and he had no control over when Luna told to kill Frankie. I know its confusing, and none of us should read into a show so much to understand how it works, but it's Shonda man!