The Tuck Pendleton Machine

Like every other activity in Southern California, it's like, 'Hey I could do that but at the same time the beach/concert/park is perfect right now!'

The hub on one of my fins broke, so that fin and its expensive spring strap are now locked firmly in Poseiden's seaweedy grip. Couldn't see it with all the kelp and shit, and couldn't easily dive for it to look for it on one fin.
And, to compound my stupidity, it was low tide, so I was fighting against the tide to get

For your first:Lots of software are now hiding basic functionality inside of a menu icon. The common reason is 'it makes for a clean interface'. I think there is a hell of a lot more to it than that. One reason is giving a single experience to everyone is a whole lot easier; hiding basic functionality makes it less

I think your son has things figured out just fine.

Red Dead Revolver. I love Western movies, TV, games…but I couldn't get into that game.

I got my creep on early, but no, I have not decorated yet.

Introduce her to the AVClub tonight. Read our comments to her til she sleeps.
She can't help but grow up to be well-adjusted and thoughtful!


Dancing. And not the 'flail my arms wildly and happily' dancing I'm known for, but salsa dancing.

It's impressive that "I still look at Snickers as a healthy snack" was the least ludicrous part of the comment.

Agreed.  His books could be fun. Stupid sometimes (there was a strange intersection of naïve politics and overly convoluted conspiracy theories) but undeniably fun. I could practically hear the 'PEW PEW PEW BLAM WHOOSH' between each sentence. I think that's why so many of us got into these books in our adolescence. 

I don't think you're alone.  I'm sure that years from now, some college grad student will write a thesis on the post-Cold War American military and the influence on it by Tom Clancy.

Sadly, he had precious little to do with the development of those games. Particularly since Red Storm Rising was derived from Harpoon, you'd think he would have been more of a gamer.

Rogue Spear.

The Shield finale was awesome: Vic Mackey was exactly where he deserved to be.
But I gotta vote for Star Trek The Next Generation. I'm still not sure if it was a gentle refutation or affirmation oof all the Roddenberry tropes: exploration of space and nebulae and the universe is not a means unto itself, it's a way to

True about FX and HBO. But A&E (home of some awesome shows) is owned by A&E Networks, which owns Lifetime, History, H2, Crime and Investigation Network, and LMN.

You're the greatest index of all things Avenged Sevenfold ever.  God bless you.

This is obviously the only reasonable answer.
And to make it clear, there was only one Robocop movie. The rest were all parodies/homages to the original.

I want to agree with his reading of Hal. But a common thread in Shakespeare is that good monarchs tend to be people you wouldn't want to be friends with. I fully believe that Hal as debauching and reveling as a strategy to provide contrast to his future, kingly self. Brilliant. Cold to Falstaff. But it's something an

The dissonance is incredible. On one hand, contemporary television gives us the likes of Breaking Bad, The Venture Bros, Parks and Rec, Game of Thrones, Community, It's Always Sunny, Archer, Doctor Who, Justified, Mad Men, Boardwalk Empire etc.