The Tuck Pendleton Machine

The most plausible military officer (junior, at least) is easily Nog.

@avclub-b894e4330aeaa46a373292d17c62984d:disqus I too am jealous.  That guy is great.

Yes indeed! It shows that things going to shit don't bother him; he has faith.

Picard and Sisko would both be the captains I would most like to serve under. Consultative style, trusts their subordinates, and makes the hard decisions (alone) if they need to.

Lobster season starts on Saturday morning at midnight!  So a buddy and I are going to park near our dive site, get dinner, then head out, gear up, and catch us some bugs.

Have you finished having sex with a lady and both of you are sitting back-to-back on the bed and saying 'Well. It was okay, I guess.' ?

When necessary to the plot.

Man. How awesomely expensive would it have been to destroy all those actual models?  That would have been a fun few weeks at work for the ILM guys.

His eyes might be weak, but the way Jeffery Combs made his eyes bore into Kira's during the threat…this guy needs more work.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus @avclub-5e550d516b252b5d3e9a239590372fed:disqus Neither any of the bridesmaids nor any of the guests are single ladies, unfortunately.
@avclub-d72f705337e5adcf7e33ec0381c5f5b2:disqus My buddy who would totally be down for it is leaving the country for a bit, unfortunately. But that would

To be fair, the commenting has always been about 70% of the reason why I come to this site. DS9 is still appointment reading for me. The Newswires are still great. If O'Neal leaves…I dunno.

But that means they would just get a *Spoiler for a 30 year old book* quiescent Tlelaxu female.

That's a good one. But bump it up a notch.  Imagine him naked, crying, desperately trying to get a cock ring on.

@avclub-02c1dd6ad234773aeffd7f7067784d58:disqus You sound perfect.  You'll find better.

Good for you, bub. Shitty way to learn that lesson, but I'm glad you have that knowledge in your utility belt now.

10 to 1 he's not strictly gay. Maybe bi, and he wanted some drama and attention from you.
You dodged a bullet. A big, dramatic, pissy bullet. Not because he's bi or gay, but because he's a douche.

@avclub-1922cc1dc1286b56a2d99b7f1aa0630c:disqus all the bridesmaids are married or in long-term relationships.

By doing what you think is right, regardless of what is easy.


Yeah, I'm the best man at an upcoming wedding, and my friends are hounding the hell out of me about who I'm going to bring to the wedding.
Which, since I'm part of the wedding party, wouldn't be a very fun date for anyone who isn't already nested into that social circle. So fuck that, I'm not bringing a new date to the