The Tuck Pendleton Machine

'if I would hook up we would have to'

Please tell me you'll use it so much that your son will roll his eyes at you.

People who get to the same 4-way stop before you, but wait until you get to the stop, then wave you through.

I'm with @Dikachu:disqus . Would you prefer silence? At least she was friendly enough to let you know, and you can go after all the other lovely pug ladies in the world now.

(Prints interview out. Pastes interview in homemade Random Rolescoffetable book: 'Supporting Role or Lead, This Guy Nails Everything He's Ever BeeHOLYSHIT CHECK IT OUT HE'S DANCING' chapter).

Thanks for bringing that up. And I love how Nana Visitor had a strong hand in pushing back on the writing staff when they had the character do something she felt she would never do.

@avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus You haven't met the right (or wrong) 60-year old man.

@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus That doesn't sound like ADHD, that kind of sounds like a raging coke habit.

Ha. I always had trouble with UPS in Boston, not the USPS.

@avclub-d80ecbbbef6ab40a4e53d1ad2c3fc1b2:disqus Correct.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus it would, but with what we do we can't have a good number of our documents can't be in the cloud without some additional safeguards and procedures. There are some 3rd party tools out there that do some of that, but that kills the easy/cheap use case.

The ciiiiircle of liiiife!

I love Pixar. Love.
But I'm about ready for a core group of employees to break off and create their own independent studio that focuses more on quality and vision than making/life-supporting a Disney owned franchise.

I have a Chromecast and a Roku, and I prefer the Roku for now since it has all the native applications (HBOGo, Amazon Prime, MIT Courses, Pandora) that I want. Chromecast still doesn't, but it can show your web browser.
Chromecast, in about 6 months, I bet, will be a world beater.  Now? It shows Netflix and your

Congrats, bub. This is the best post I've seen this week.

She/the TI Robot ended that with an exclamation mark.
Take your own advice and calm down, TI Robot.

Do you order stuff online? My Prime membership pays for itself since I order so many sundries (and esoteric stuff that's hard to find locally) from them and get the free shipping.  The videos are a bonus.

I think that's how all online dating gets its genesis: post break-up drunkenness.

Cool, @avclub-97d6c074b974838257db17a02f8784c4:disqus . Have fun on Saturday.

@LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus Exactly. People from cultures like northern Europe, parts of Africa, etc-where people have domesticated cattle for thousands of years-tend to have a much higher rate of tolerance.