The Tuck Pendleton Machine

Hi, AVClub overlords.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus This article was made for you and your catchword phrase, good sir.


Paging @avclub-e4e009abf54577f493010e8274557e52:disqus …

Magnificent son of a bitch.

Or, maybe it has something to do with the observer effect: by his notes and the knowledge that he 'had predicted everything' people behaved in a way that allowed them to be predicted.

@DonkeyLeaps:disqus One of the things you said there stopped me a bit short: this camera style makes you feel like the camera is always catching up. Maybe we just view films in different (but both completely valid) ways. I want to watch a film and feel like there's no lens between me and whatever's on the screen,

(Prints interview out. Pastes interview in homemade Random Roles coffeetable book: "Actors We'd All Like to Sit Down and Share a Meal With, and Ron Swanson is On His Way Once He Finishes Building His Truck" chapter).

I appreciate your opinion, @DonkeyLeaps:disqus (great name, by the way), but I really agree with @avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus . I've been in extremely physically stressful situations, and my vision never bounced around. Never. If anything, the important things became more clear and sharp and

I would watch this, but:

…and this is why every single college 200 or 300-level Shakespeare survey course has to start with the professor saying 'For the purposes of this class, we are going to assume that the person we call 'Shakespeare' was a single person primarily responsible for the authorship of the poems and plays we will study in this

You know those sickly sweet sticker thingies people put in their rear window that shows their family? Like a mom, a dad, a wittle soccer player boy and a girl with a doll, a puppy and a kitty?I'm single, so I was going to jokingly get a bear sticker (I found one online) and rip up a bunch of those family stickers and

I thought you were a dude because of your profile pic and because I am simple. I will continue to think this, as the thought of a pixie haircut on Goggins makes me giggle.

So we weren't supposed to be already drinking blood wine?

@avclub-469855b15af87afcbf7d29ea09e321ed:disqus 'That second marriage, however, was the one that went off without a hitch.'

If that's wrong, I don't want to be right.


Idiots. You should be making noise around a baby while she's sleeping. Makes her sleep more soundly, which means more *ahem* adult time for the parents without interruption.

Yes. Yes yes yes yes YES. I bicycle. I love to bike. I hate the people (especially the Critical Mass asswipes) who scream 'Share the Road' while monopolizing the road.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus It's where put on a wetsuit and freedive gear, grab a strong underwater flashlight and dive into Southern California coastal waters at night, find lobsters, grab those lobsters with your hands, then put those lobsters in a bag and then you cook those lobsters.  You can