The Tuck Pendleton Machine

Do you ask those derpy managers for suggestions as to where you should have your meeting since everything else is booked? Put them on the spot.

It's a public forum. Weirdos, just like those who wander up to open-mic nights at the Laugh Shack, will come in and try to ruin your day. Don't let 'em. Just listen to all the good commenters.

Oh, so you belong to a large Catholic family too?I agree with your plan. Fuck that noise. Offer to Skype in if you want to be cheesy. This ain't a wedding.

Tuna fish (I like it cold, so that's the only thing I have refrigerated; everything else to dress it-rosemary, red wine vinegar, dill, pickles, pepper, olive oil- I just keep in the kitchen unrefrigerated) is cheap and easy to prep at work.

A friend of mine runs a Crossfit gym, and he had a paleo potluck, and the food was cooked. I believe you're thinking of the raw diet, which is another fad.
The fact that numerous people aren't lactose intolerant kind of puts to lie the assumption that our digestive systems haven't evolved over the past 10 millennia or

She's 19. She'll get some perspective in a decade or so.

I'll take even a premeditated nacho shower.

I need to go camping. I'm jealous.

I was running through the park yesterday, and some 18 or 19 year old kid on a bike was riding on the sidewalk, whipped past me, and almost ran into a 3 year old and some lady pushing a stroller. I asked him politely to walk his bike on the sidewalk (there's a road not 10 feet away where bikes have free reign). Did he

I hate that paleo shit. Crossfit can sometimes be like a cult.

Congrats. Make sure your beers have a balanced hops profile; therefore it's good you're moving from California.


I remember those futuristic assault rifle things that shot toy cars and flecks of lead paint at high speeds. With a bit of luck, you could fuck up someone's memory from both a mild concussion and from lead poisoning.

I thought that RP didn't get in vogue until the late 19th/early 20th century. Maybe the late 18th/early 19th century accents were closer to what was in this video, in which case I could see eye and symmetry rhyming. But I have no real evidence of that.

How was the last witch burning?

Pffsh. We all know the Donny Wahlbergs in South Boston are getting priced out by wealthy, metrosexual, yuppie types with too much money and a driving desire to renovate brownstones and open Thai fusion restaurants and art galleries…so you know, more like the Mark Wahlbergs of the world.

I'd like to put out an APB for @Frakes:disqus to show up and tell us a story about this.

I'm the kind of guy who typically doesn't give a shit what other people listen to: Creed? Hate it, but knock yourself out. Kravitz? Fuck that noise, but if you're gonna love it, then love it hard.
But Red Hot Chili Peppers? Those assclowns are everywhere. Inescapable. I wonder what kind of deals they cut with Satan and

Coolio. You gotta plug in here every now and then, @avclub-7cf12ec23b16390f64b0f52e65a7ac1d:disqus

In my experience, some comic-book store owners seem to have a poor grasp of boundaries and appropriate adherence to social structures, as well as an overinflated ego.