The Tuck Pendleton Machine

Founders, Jem'Hadar, Vorta…hundreds of client races…they're the Federation's dark mirror.


KINDA SPOILERS?Vorta don't see well. They might prefer the bright light.
In reality, I'd think e) Changing the station to a dark, dank, Cardassian station again would overshadow the subtle changes and resulting moral challenges for Kira. Better, for a character development strategy, to keep the obvious changes under

…Which they won't.  Even when the Jem'Hadar child was going nuts, it respected Odo.

Nechayev and the other useless admirals must have died in the Borg invasion.
Thanks, Borg!

I kind of want to see you go to a picnic in the park on a sunny afternoon. I'd imagine it looks like Seurat's Grande Jatte and Circus.

Hey, guys.

…and the Voyager one? Is that where you go to lovingly charge and recharge your phaser, wondering when the time will be right?

*listlessly pumps hips*


What? I'm not on the twitter. What happened? She's a gem.

Miss, you need your SO to take a huge dump in her yard at 10 PM.  Please. Or contract me. I'll do it.

@avclub-9c33ea7188cb0fc5d524f4ad1e8d8fc5:disqus of course he does.

Congrats, bub. Keep it up.

Tattoos can be cool. I've known some people with ink that are meaningful to them, and are thoughtfully designed and drawn. I've also known plenty of lame, aping the cool-kids kind of ink that does no one any favors.

@LJo1:disqus try baking it until crispy.  I don't even put oil on it, just kale in the oven with garlic salt. Tastes like a chip. I love it.

Castor bean oil as a purgative?

Oh no. Please go on.


@avclub-04d524031f29c89d78cae864bd6f0de7:disqus Congrats on the move.  You're at least closer to the beach now, right?