The Tuck Pendleton Machine

I don't…what?  I don't understand any of those sentences. Landing an unpowered helicopter? What!? This guy understands social interaction as well as he understands aerodynamics…which is none at all.


Maine has internet?Like, backwoods Maine? I think parts of backwoods Maine are still convinced that the area is still owned by the French, and they trap furs for trading downriver.

@avclub-615e85318c18d18b6901b69196261c5e:disqus I've had similar thoughts, like a researcher indexing a commenting board after a traumatic event (footnoting the comments, identifying longtime users for the reader, etc), then the footnotes by the researcher become the narrative and expands.

Attempt to bring order to the beautiful chaos that is the TI.

No tattoos. Just scars.

DC or state?


Get worked up a little.

Those are the people who should date each other, not people who enjoy going downtown.

Yeah. Pale, blood-filled, and insatiable?

I thought there were only 12 of us on here, each with thousands of gimmick accounts.

Goddammit I miss Davis Square.

"…which has the tropical climate and small insects that sustain Giuliana Rancic."

You sure talk about everyone's mom a whole lot. Just because your mom died of methane poisoning doesn't mean you have to be crude.

@avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus like a Firemarshall Bill kind of thing? Both on the upper and lower lip?

This sounds like TNG Season 8.

@Scrawler2:disqus No need to include me in the credits. Just give me a bit part in the sequel where I get to be the supersuit technician who tells Tatum that getting jacked back into the suit is going to accelerate his disease, but he doesn't care because the space bug adopted child needs to be rescued from the

Channing Tatum shirtless (women will show up) and blowing stuff up (men would show up) while the space bug heroically dies saving Tatum and his new girlfriend (NOT the socialite one) and Tatum him raise his child and recount the child's full Jeriba ancestry before the Holy Council.

Yeah, I can wiggle each ear independently (which sometimes happens when I think too hard). I can also raise each eyebrow and flare each nostril independently, and I can do it all to keep time to the ending bars of the 1812 Overture.