The Tuck Pendleton Machine

Did you try the Liberty Station hef? I'm usually not a fan, but that and the wootstock were delicious. And apparently the owner said that he didn't want to run with the hef on a larger batch since it wasn't a 'Stone beer.'  Which is stupid. Yeah, it doesn't burn the back of your tongue off, but it's tasty, dammit.

My brother's girlfriend laughed at me this last weekend because I called her 'his specialladyfriend.'  I use that for all my male friends' significant (female) others.

You can still play man-to-man instead of zone defense!

I would not be opposed to officially-licensed luchadores wandering around telling public-sex aficionados to take it inside.

Your dreams are sitcoms? Sitcoms that don't run out their welcome and get to the point quickly?

The fact you're worried about it means you'll do fine.  Congrats, bub.

Why insist on weight training? You can do dips (using a chair if your upper body strength isn't strong enough yet or you can't find parallel bars), pushups, planks, etc.

Get thee to a place with a pool table and a good jukebox and good booze and easy access to taxis, and everything will take care of itself from there.

Yeah, SD was fucking miserable this last week, which meant all the visitors were all up in my beach and ocean.

Ted Leo and the Pharmacists, "The Lost Brigade."

Whole Foods is the grocery store for people who barely eat, since they can buy artisanal cheeses and overpriced prepared food and nibble on those without eating anything real while spending the same budget.

Don't go to a casino. Don't go downtown.
Really, just stay away from anything neon and anything with startling, flashing lights and sounds.

@avclub-832d86d3a05e2b4973c329471ee9d6c4:disqus ah so.  Makes sense.

Fascinating, @Dikachu:disqus .  I want to hear that story. Tucson wasn't my cuppa tea, but I'd like to know why you preferred it.

I'm saying that this is the sound of settling. Into middle age.

I guess I missed the memo where we all are supposed to hate Hardwick. He seems fine. He's a fan. He's enthusiastic. And if I don't want to watch his wrapup shows…I don't.

Christ, this album is a decade old.

Whoa, that must have been a bit of a culture shock, moving from Tucson to Portland.  I went to school for a bit in Tucson, and about the only interesting thing about that place was the Meet Rack.

I used a modem sound as my ringtone for a while.  There are also rural parts of the country where that's the only option to get onto the internet.

Look at them.  They're adorable. No judgment here.