The Tuck Pendleton Machine

@olivececile:disqus I know it sounds nerdy, but can you draw up a budget for 1 or 2 children (daycare expenses, diapers, food, furniture/housing improvements, insurance, out-of-pocket healthcare, transportation, etc-a bunch of estimates are online) and show that to him? Show where you are, where you *would* be, and

No ONE has gone before.  No ONE.

Enough to be awesome.

He recognized that it was a quintuple take (he said he couldn't do more than a quad, but you know Sir Patrick Stewart: always pushing into the unknown).

The only way to 'solve' the problem in Syria would be to balkanize the area. Essentially, ethnic cleansing so the Allawi are in one area, the Sunni in another.

I don't think that's too rare. A friend of mine has a nice house, a great kid, a lovely wife, a good job, and his wife still has anxiety.


Calm down, @isjoe

@avclub-d019eb089e65903455cc52308f00b997:disqus Well, you wouldn't expect @avclub-285910f5ff9f9eddf129c46fc2bc5982:disqus to keep a dead horse around forever, would you?

@avclub-a74751295995aad6799bb16021522543:disqus just did a bachelor weekend, and that sounds relatively similar.  Get some good guys together, and you'll find some fun stuff to do. And happy birthday.

Wow. Her mother has some issues to deal with then. Does Ma have a sister or an aunt or any other female figure who gets respect from her mother? It sounds like there needs to be an intermediary (ie, accompany both ma and her mother to some of these planning things, and speak up when her mother is being shitty).  That

Thanks, @avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus

Parts of Key West.

Ma is close to her mother, sure, but…it's your wedding. Is her mother paying for it? If not, I think you need to explore excluding her from the planning. It's not worth making your fiancé feel like shit.

Happy birthday, Ellie.

I took close to a month off from online dating, and I just jumped back into it. I decided to make some of my profile answers public, and that seems to have attracted notice.

Well, you draft players and set your roster each Thursday or so and drink on the weekends and watch the games and then you mock the other teams and particularly the sexual proclivities of the other fantasy team managers.
Oh, and make a creative team name.  Anything else I'm leaving out?


I'm down if anyone else is down.

Chicago. Florida (the soulless parts). Maybe Seattle.