Hypocritical much?
Hypocritical much?
You are still a moron.
You were wrong and a terrible person on the previous article covering this incident and you still are wrong and a terrible person.
Are you a racist and misogynist as well as being a ageist? Maybe loosen your MAGA hat a notch or two would help.
How can you be on her side? If this story is any indicator she is a terrible person who writes shitty books.
You would have thought that you would have taken the time to proof read your comment for spelling errors and not rush things. Maybe after this scrutiny you will in the future.
It is allowed as long as he didn’t show too much skin or have a nip slip while beating her.
What does he cook?
Yes they can by limiting the number of subscriptions they sold they could have limited the number of logins at any given time. It was possible,just the same as their ability to limit the number of tickets to their parks sold, they just decided to be greedy.
There is a guy behind our local 7-11 offering this service for free and doesn’t collect any personally identifiable information.
They had the same control over the amount of subscribers to Disney+.
These would be great for Formula E cars. Just hook the spinning visor to a turbine to generate electricity to keep the batteries charged.
I am suing Motor Trend since I ordered 10 of these cars based totally on their article!
He didn’t. He only covered what Motor Trend reported in their testing.
She should see a doctor!
Just like my wife.
How are you commenting here if you don’t come here anymore?
It is good to see the rest of the so called GMG Union bending over and taking it in the ass by their new Dom Jim Spanfeller. They are all a bunch of gimp bitches,never saying a word when Splinter was shut down.
Well they are getting paid back by losing their sites and jobs or being Spanfeller’s bitch lapdogs. Funny how karma works.