Why do you think it will be easy to steal? A 100 kWh battery array weighs like 900 pounds.
Why do you think it will be easy to steal? A 100 kWh battery array weighs like 900 pounds.
Both the LA Times and the Washington Post are far more responsible and reliable news sources. Personally, I no longer consider the Times the “paper of record,” as I trust the Post far more.
If there was one change I could make to “journalism” it would be to disperse it from New York City. You shouldn’t have to live in NYC to do national journalism. And I would be eternally grateful if journalism outlet wasn’t basically a local outlet for New York, because there are other places.
I can see the online post in 2032..... And it isn’t any prettier than it is today...... *ahem*
Good luck suing a chinese “company.”
Still waiting for “Kinda buggy, ultra unplayable Pro Squash 2” I want it to have all the endorsements from the “major” Squash brands and I want the active pro roster on there. Until then I’ll just make do with “Pro Jai alai: The wickering”
I love that expression in the header picture. It perfectly communicates the feeling of "Oh my God, I just shit my pants in the middle of a game!" What else could cause a person to make that face?
Based on some of the California replies this doesn’t seem necessarily correlated.
The president doesn’t actually write laws. And a lot of infrastructure spending is done via block grants to the states.
When you move out of California, I reckon.
I disagree - I think people are taking it seriously. But as for inconsistency - heck yeah. In another thread I pointed out an appliance store that sells parts and does service was forcibly shut down as “non essential” yet you can buy appliances at Lowes or Home Depot which are “Essential”. Drove past a locally owned…
Just have the owner of the dealership franchise conduct the ride-along. Eliminate exposure to their employees and a great motivational tool to show that they “are in this with us”.
Neutral: On board with car sales. Some times your vehicle breaks and you need a new (to you) one. Living without a car sucks.
jesus christ this is an ignorant take
Had to look closely at that label. At first glance I thought the cow was receiving head from a sheep.
That would (figuratively) sink the business right there.
A million times this. They registered in random island nations to avoid paying taxes and so they could pay their workers next to nothing. Fuck em. Hope they all go belly up.
Let them register their ships stateside and pay taxes and then we’ll look into giving them assistance in a year or two.