It is worse here. The hospitals not owned by the Catholic Church are owned by the Baptist Church.
It is worse here. The hospitals not owned by the Catholic Church are owned by the Baptist Church.
And pay taxes on the profits like every other hospital. are just repeating the advice in the article but you did add a douche bag touch to it. You are well on your way to being Don Jr.
So you think using electricity from coal power plants is greener?
Their comments were accurate. If she has cancer then she is unhealthy and looks it.
Not having a rich father to buy me a racing team.
Then why did you state in your article the wife had a much better credit profile?
Turn off commenting and fire the Editor.
Just yelling “yeah well FUCK YOU!” works and is quick.
How do you rally the troops with speeches like “ Most of you will be killed for reasons no one understands and the people you are fighting for will turn on us and try to kill you too! Oh and by the way we don’t have enough equipment for everyone so you are going to have to share with a buddy!”.
How do you justify a price increase of several billion dollars if it looks just like last years model?
What good are aircraft you have no means of providing munitions?
Much more depth and research than she normally puts in her articles.
The paternity reveal parties are usually more exciting.
And Jehovah Witnesses!
Lets test your theory. Put on a damp pair of Fruit of the Looms and lets fire a 300 MW Laser at your junk for 1 minute.
In the lead photo it looks like Ivanka is thinking “Why am I sitting at a table with brown people? No one told me there would be brown people here that weren’t servers!”.
Kind of a dumb reason to cp this vehicle since the transmission has obviously lasted more than two years.
Kind of makes their policy of accepting political ads that contain lies because they support free speech seem a bit hypocritical.
Fredo has more of chin and a much higher IQ.