
You are a moron. 

I try not to be for or against anyone just based on the color of their skin or age and concentrate more on their stand on issues and their qualifications.

Just make the ticket Sanders/Warren. Sanders gets to be President for a few months before dropping dead then Warren gets the job. Everyone is happy except maybe Sanders cause he dropped dead and all.

Don’t forget the part where Obama returned the merchandise he bought with said gift card for cash that he then used to support ISIS.

Its just called murder. They can request the death penalty if certain circumstance are met. Two of the circumstance seem to be either being poor and/or being a person of color.

You keep missing the fact she wasn’t in HER home. Mr Jean would have perfectly been in his rights to shoot her since she broke into HIS home.Self defense wasn’t a defense since she said she intended to kill him when you could have just left or called for backup.

There is no 1st or 2nd degree murder in Texas.

No you don’t. No premeditation is necessary for a murder conviction in Texas. When she stated that she intended to kill him even though other options were available to her it became murder.

The judge though she failed her. She tried all she could to get her off but the jurors saw through her bullshit.

We can only hope someone confuses her cell with their own and has to shiv her because they were scared of cops.

I don’t know if it is still this way in Texas, but no too long ago, you could flat out a 10 year sentence in only 40 months.

The Remorse show doesn’t keep them from executing murders on regular basis in Texas. Some of whom were completely innocent of their charges. I guess it only works for bleach blonde cops.

Castle defense doesn’t really hold up when you are the one breaking into someone else castle.

Well since you get 5 years in prison in Texas for voting while on probation,10 years for murder seems kind of light.  

But how did she get in the door? Kick it in like in the cop shows? Is every apartment door in the building keyed the same? It doesn’t make sense.

They would just replace them with more infomercials. 

This is why reporters aren’t allowed in the room when he is meeting with his boss Putin.

Godspeed lil clot.

Who gives a shit as long as they don’t reanimate his bloated corpse.

He should bring out the lounge chair,beach umbrella and cooler of beer on the sidelines.