You are right! That is exactly what would happen.
You are right! That is exactly what would happen.
But the tax cuts! The greatest bestest tax cuts ever!
The same 6/10 Republicans don’t believe in dinosaurs,that the earth is round,the moon landing or climate change.
Doesn’t actually have to be any investigations or hearings. The House could just introduce articles of impeachment and vote yes or no.
To be fair to Pence the vapors from Pompeo’s jock would probably peel paint off a battleship.
He was standing facing the mirror when he said it.
But Cheney is mostly cyborg.
Just tried this with my Chase bank credit card and got a 1500 dollar increase in about 10 seconds using their website. I never carry a balance so will see what it does for my credit score in a few weeks.
I disputed a error on my credit report showing a cable bill in collections that I had paid off a couple of years ago. When they removed it my score went up 46 points.
Why are there Tesla service centers and people having to wait months to get their cars repaired if EV’s are zero maintenance?
You are a moron.
Yeah they are wanting a share of the huge bonuses the executives have been taking for years after giving many wage concessions in 2008 to keep the company afloat. What a bunch of spoiled assholes.
You are an idiot.
Sure you can go to negative interest rates. Japan has been doing it for years and most of Europe is joining them with negative rates. It just means you have to pay to keep your money in the bank and saving for the future impossible.
What country do you live in? Not the US.
They still live in mom’s basement and pay nothing in rent or any other bills.
Hey they were going to send them a few weapons if they would have only gone along with Trump’s blackmail demands!
I wish one time that someone would ask him to recite the 2nd amendment or any amendment or the pledge of allegiance. Would be funny to watch his head explode on TV.
It was a great first try. Spend the rest of the day on Facebook and you will have it mastered.