
Your argument might have some merit if it wasn’t for the facts of the case.   “Guyger, who was fired from the Dallas Police force within weeks of the shooting, confirmed she had explicitly intended to kill Jean, though she admitted she had other options available to her, such as retreating and radioing a nearby police

The good thing is that attorneys got all her racist social media post and emails with racist jokes etc admitted into evidence for her sentencing hearing. They show her to be a racist pig and not the angelic cop who made a mistake she was trying to pull off during her trial.

It especially makes no sense after a person has done their time and still can’t vote for life. 

He is too stupid to  know that alligators don’t prey on humans. Crocodiles do but not alligators.

No way Yang will ever get the nomination unless he plans to assassinate every other candidate. If you really believe he does you are more delude than Trump after he has sundowned.

You seem to be under the impression that Medicare is a free insurance program. Please look up the premium cost and all that it doesn’t cover before criticizing. Moron.

I hope Mitch sent them a nice anniversary present.

He is able to make that face because the aide just told him the syphilis test came back positive again.

I would sue them but I would have to get off the couch.

They all seem to shop from the same rack at JC Penny.

No you aren’t no matter how much you delude yourself.

An AR-15 will blast those fetuses back in the uterus where they belong! 

He was head of his class at Josef Mengele University. 

Too bad for everyone it wasn’t.

I think Harvard discriminated against me because I am dumb,fat,and lazy.

I was thinking that she gave the instruction so the jury could clearly see this was not a case of Castle defense since Guyer wasn’t in her castle and that any action Mr. Jean took were in defense of his castle. Glad the jury took it that way too.

I was thinking that she gave the instruction so the jury could clearly see this was not a case of Castle defense since Guyer wasn’t in her castle and that any action Mr. Jean took were in defense of his castle. Glad the jury took it that way too.

Global warming is great for business though. Higher temps mean more money for utility companies as people keep the ac cranked up. This means more money for coal companies which means more jobs in economically depressed areas. Those workers will spend their checks at Walmart thus creating more jobs etc etc. Your

Age of consent is important when people are saying she is a underage minor when she is not. Doesn’t make it less creepy saying those things about a young woman but makes a big difference in court.

Sad thing is she isn’t underage in most states in the US.