It will be like the crips and bloods in the 1990's. Your allegiances will be determined by what color bandanna you have hanging out of your rear pocket.
It will be like the crips and bloods in the 1990's. Your allegiances will be determined by what color bandanna you have hanging out of your rear pocket.
Yes there are 100's of thousands of people just like the one you describe in Facebook groups. All of the off grid,homesteading,self-sufficiency groups are filled with them. The ideal of getting to kill people over a can of pork and beans gives them a raging boner.
What do you blame for your pathetic,meaningless life?
Fake news! The comments on Splinter shows these people only live in the south.
You are a foolish little person and as terrible as the people you condemn.
Or the fact that Trump has already been tweeting “Trump 2024" campaign logos?
You don’t expect the people here to put out in effort in creating content do you?
This is why you should never speak to the “help”. If you try treating them as people they just bitch and complain.
This is why you should never speak to the “help”. If you try treating them as people they just bitch and complain.
They are going pixelate his/her face when they testify.
Its great if you are too drunk to walk to your car and wanting auto pilot to drive you home.
It will be great for the fat asses at walmart, who though they can walk from the back of the parking lot to the store, have to ride a scooter around the store while they stock up on Little Debbie snack cakes and Diet Coke.
I think he has a bright future playing a flying monkey in small town dinner theaters productions of “The Wizard of Oz”.
You never been to Arkansas in the summer. Its like that from June to October.
Ford Granada purist is a real thing?
Not every state requires an inspection.
Don’t be trying to confuse things with facts,Mr Smarty Pants that read the article before commenting!
He should have stuck to acting. Rudy was great in his role as Grandpa on the Adams Family.
At which point they will write another strongly worded letter expressing how disappointed they are for Pompeo ignoring their subpoena.
Excellent article! Do you really get paid enough to read a book by Ann Coulter for research?