
It sounds like they need to call and demand term limits in their state.

Statements like yours make you as terrible a person as those you are trying to condemn. So I suppose you are nothing but garbage too.

I agree. Charge him with everything. It will take a week to just read off all the charges against him.

Gasping for air.

Who ever the whistle blower is they deserve a monument in Washington DC and a national holiday .

I thought it strange that a man who has been committing treason would want to remind the world how often we used to execute people for committing treason.

He has a quota to meet. Can’t spend time putting thought and effort in each blurb.

That would work too.

Thanks for this great post and good luck in your competitions. Just getting into lifting and fitness in general after a lifetime as a couch potato and learn a lot reading your articles. Going to give the Strong app a try.

If the Democrats wanted dick pics of Trump couldn’t they just search Ivanka’s IPhone? 

You should really try getting a clue someday.

It is there to remind us that after Trump,Bill Barr is the next person who should face impeachment.

You should try reading the article before commenting.

I think you are being very unfair to Neville Chamberlain. 

Impeach Pence along with Trump thus making Pelosi President. They both deserve to be removed from office.

They were calling it an attempted coupe last week on Newsmax before any of this shit about the Ukraine came out and they were just investigating Trump’s many violations of the emoluments clauses of the Constitution. 

I don’t really care since it is irrelevant to the impeachment hearings.

This is why midgets will soon be the next hot commodity for NFL teams. 

I regularly drive a tractor pulling two 53' trailers across the Indiana and Ohio Turnpike.

What about the pipes laying there for years in the bottled water plants? Many of whom are really only bottling filtered tap water.