But No Guts Nancy has already said it doesn’t matter to what the transcripts say,what he admitted on Twitter is an impeachable offense.
But No Guts Nancy has already said it doesn’t matter to what the transcripts say,what he admitted on Twitter is an impeachable offense.
What would really be great is if the whistle blower was Melania Trump.
And when a President got impeached for just lying about getting a blow job so his wife wouldn’t find out.
Lets bring back the good old days!
But then the whistle blower would be charged by the Trump administration for leaking classified information and end up in prison.
Only by you. No one else. But since he hasn’t actually released the transcript it doesn’t really matter.
He is the one who stated repeatedly he can declassify anything he wants. Now is the time to hold him to that.
I wonder about a guy who’s best thinking was”Let’s model our campaign for the Democratic nomination on the campaign of a Republican that lost to George W. Bush.” It causes me to serious question his decision making process.
What I want to know is what the kind of apartment complex is it that every door is keyed the same. How did she get in the apartment? She kick the door in when her key didn’t fit because she was at the wrong fucking apartment? Nothing about her story makes any sense.
Isn’t what McDonald’s and Uber did gambling? You buy our food for a chance of getting a prize. Seems like they have opened them self up to a lot of lawsuits.
No one is forcing you to come to this site.
I think he would have a better chance for the Noble Prize in Public Corruption and Graft category.
I love the part about “Who is this whistle blower and is he on our country’s side.” etc. when he is blocking any attempt to bring the whistle blowers complaint to Congress.
There would still be 4 candidates ahead of Amy in the polls in Iowa so don’t think it is a problem.
All valid points. I don’t think Fox News includes free will in the cloning tank when they are creating these interchangeable blondes for the network,so I was cutting her some slack.
And she is the smart one of the group.
What I want to know is if she refers to her husband as Vice President Mike Pence when they are in private.
My rationale is you are a moron whose MAGA hat has been on way too tight for way to long.
Actually you did kind of say that since you think there is no reason to impeach him and now said it again. Since that is the only thing Congress can do and you are against it then doing nothing is the only other option. I am still hoping for the stroke or sniper though.
I see you couldn’t come up with the 3 things Cory is passionate about either.