I guess I take after Cory Booker.
I guess I take after Cory Booker.
Better than you talking out your ass about a topic you know nothing about.
No it isn’t. Go read it. End of story!
Most everyone else showed more passion on every topic. That is why Cory has not gained any support or even been noticed as having a Presidential campaign. I bet you cant even name the top 3 issues important to Mr. Booker and you seem to be his campaign chair.
He got some people in Iowa to try a veggie burger. I guess that is something.
Actually I did. Maybe you have Cory confused with another candidate.
I never noticed him being particularly passionate about anything. Maybe that is the problem with his campaign.
Just one? Okay easy enough John R. Lewis.
When you are spending millions on an ego based pissing match you got to save money where you can.
What about the old black ones that don’t give a fuck either?Plenty of them too since you want to get all racist.
No it isn’t. Try reading it sometime.
I guess we can just sit back and let him do what he wants and pray for a heart attack or a sniper.
Works for me.
This is why Nancy and Chuck both should stand trial as accomplices to Trump’s crimes.
Considering the way math scores have been declining the past couple of decades along with the rise of the entitlement attitude it has to be a millennial.
Utter bullshit.
It is funny how he has changed his tune on Trudeau once he found out he did racist shit too.
The only shocking thing is that Trump didn’t fire Mnuchin for backing out of going last year.
This is easily the dumbest thing I have read today. Either a word has a negative connotation or it doesn’t. By your reasoning there is no reason for a white person not to use it around a black person since feelings don’t matter. How you can justify your hypocrisy in your own mind is just amazing.