“We can’t be Nazis the gas chambers aren’t even completed yet!”
“We can’t be Nazis the gas chambers aren’t even completed yet!”
If there ever are any consequences for Trump and his cronies,Nancy Pelosi should be tried as an accomplice. Calling my Representative would do no good as they were a MAGA Republican even before Trump seized power.
If there ever are any consequences for Trump and his cronies,Nancy Pelosi should be tried as an accomplice. Calling my Representative would do no good as they were a MAGA Republican even before Trump seized power.
They forget this like they forget Obama was playing golf after Katrina.
I agree 100 % with everything you said in your well written article. I always thought it was a stupid name for any food. I don’t think any food is now or ever will be good enough to make me do the terrible things I did to get another hit of crack.Now if you could just talk to your friends at Jalopnick into changing…
Google’s offering is a steaming pile of shit. Visible is 40 bucks a month,uses Verizon’s much better network and no usage caps.
It is scary when you find out just how terrible your neighbors are really.
It is the sun making him look orange. Obama changed the sun from incandescent to LED. It gives off terrible light now!
The only proper remembrance is 36 holes of golf at your golf resort paid for by taxpayers.
The whole plot is laid out in Hillary Clinton’s emails!
He tips the caddies at his clubs by not reporting them to ICE.
I would have much more respect for them if they were just honest and said “We don’t give a fuck”.
You are a total idiot and “just not all men” in the very sentence where you state “Nobody better NOT ALL MEN me.
I am surprised the spokeswoman didn’t bring this up in her statement. Something along the lines of “Hey we refunded the drivers part of the fee,what the fuck more you want from us”.
What makes is really sad is it was a woman making this statement.
He could give them all 12,000 bucks to be a bit less racist.
No he has moved on to talking shit about Cokie Roberts and praising his buddy Corey Lewandowski for his obstruction of justice.
You are a few days late there buddy. All of the Saudis oil production is back online and oil prices closed lower than what the were Friday.
Trump: “I grabbed her pussy once while she asked a question. She slapped me. Not a nice woman. But I don’t know her.”
More FAKE NEWS! How would he know about Melenia’s cleavage? He only has eyes for Ivanka!