
Ah, the Golden Age of cinema, the good ol' 1930s! Back when womenfolk and blackfolk knew their place!

That chart is brilliant!

He's been less successful as an entertainer than as a behind-the-scenes businessman. Say what you will of his stage presence, but he does have a knack (or did) for capitalizing on someone else's talent.

Nepotism strikes again!

I don't think anyone gives a shit what she looks like in photographs. I think the people who don't like her, don't like that fact that she is dead behind the eyes and can't act, yet is incredibly famous. And getting major movie deals.

She thought about using "Booyah! pro-choicers," but then decided that sounded "too urban."

Hearted, for reals.

"The fuck did I do?"

I cried when Bodie got it. I had such a crush on him.

Oh yeah, I totally cheered for Michael, from the beginning of that show. He was a good kid, and Snoop needed to go.

PPK rules! I love that site.

No, you made that assumption, not me. I'm speaking about my own boobs and how they are smaller and how I've thought about getting a boob job YEARS ago, but the men I've dated have liked my natural breasts, which led me to wonder if I've been dating the other 40% all my life.

I totally agree. For as much as an asshole he is, Scott American Psycho Disick is my favorite part of this horrible video, and this group in general. Khloe is cool, too! Out of all the sisters, she is the most grounded in reality, and fun.

Wow, Ryan Seacrest IS a dick. Not cool, bro.

So accurate. Where did you get this? I want to borrow, but I also want to source it correctly.

Precisely. She coulda just thrown on a little bit of that sparkly polish, the kind that goes on thick and doesn't show bumps or mistakes, and called it a day. LAZY.

I think we all just like to look at boobs, in one way or another. It's kinda like staring at the spinning spiral: hypnotic.

This is true. When they did that "dead" photoshoot, everyone who looked "too dead" didn't get a good review. If you're doing a photoshoot where you're supposed to be dead, why is "you look really dead" a negative critique. It's funny to me that ANTM is still on the air, though.

I have to stop myself sometimes... Also a straight woman.

I've only hitchhiked once, and I have small boobies. I waited five minutes, too, and a truck with two guys gave me and my friend a ride to the train station, so I call BS on this one too.