
I love her, too. Ever since that Narnia movie, I thought she was just so cool and so interesting looking. But I've got a thing for Ice Queens.

In a Kardashian...

Weird, I had no idea they were ever an item.

Oooh, I like that. "Smooth Criminal" is quite possibly my favorite MJ song/video.

Why was it bad that Ray J was seated near the Houston family?

Now I'm gonna start rocking a cameo on my beanie cap, because RiRi's that fucking dope. And yes, I second whoever said she and MIA need to do a song together. They really do.

That tweet made me super happy.

She was picking out poor constituents in both places. Yes, the circumstances were not the same, but I believe the point of the piece was to highlight that there are bigger similarities that poor Americans share, regardless of where they live, than differences.

I wasn't allowed to use tweezers until high-school, and even then I was only allowed to use them on the unibrow part of my eyebrows. I appreciate my mom's restrictions now, but at the time I was pissed about my eyebrows being so damn bushy, on an Andy Rooney level (may he rest in peace).

"I'm not a model! I just pose for photos in designer luxury goods, which end up in billboards and magazines the world over, so I can pay for my expensive equestrian classes! Horseys, hello?"

I was actually a little perturbed when someone's outfit was labeled "Pimps and Hoes party" because she wore a necktie and a fedora.

Amen to that!

Pelosi went to the deep south and recorded poor people and their political opinions, then went to NYC outside of a welfare office and recorded the poor people there and their political opinions. The point, I believe, was to show that despite the difference in locations and opinions, the poor in this country are all

She said at the end, "I shouldn't curse on the internet..."

I thought it might just be a little lipliner and gloss. Doesn't look overly lipsticky to me.

I've always wanted to be an aunt. When I was a kid, my friends and I would play "house" and I was always the cool aunt while my friend was the mom with kids, who I (as the aunt) got to take to the movies and amusement park.

Like many social issues, I feel like this problem could be eradicated if the American people were willing to properly fund our public schools and ensure that every kid in this country gets a chance at life and a decent education. The prison pipeline, and the money that comes from building private prisons, is out of

I think I actually liked Zombie Land more than Shaun of the Dead. Shaun was the originator of hip zombie movies, but ZL was funnier. And of course, everything is better with Bill Murray. Even Garfield.

I loved the fact that the El Pollo Loco meth kingpin from Breaking Bad played Pierce's nerdy half brother.

Zombie Bill Murray!