I think it’s like destiny. You can tell through the HUD if an enemy will kick your ass, but also in destiny, you can’t tell what someone’s gun is unless you learn to identify the sounds and shot patterns.
I think it’s like destiny. You can tell through the HUD if an enemy will kick your ass, but also in destiny, you can’t tell what someone’s gun is unless you learn to identify the sounds and shot patterns.
Doesn’t powerball invest its money in government bonds to pay out over time? What if there is some ridiculous crash and the value of that goes down? Are you hosed?
All joking aside, the bear VFX are incredible. It’s up for an Annie Award (animation specific) for “Character Animation in a Live Action Production” against Smog and Azog from the Hobbit, Ultron and Hulk from the latest Avengers, and the new Indominus Rex from Jurassic World.
That might describe my journey with Destiny.
Guilty Gear Xrd has some of the best cel shading I have ever seen, real time or not. They even limited the frames of animation in 3d to more closely match an anime’s animation style/sppearance. Nobody does cell shading like Japanese devs.
I love the Honda Fit - had one a few years ago and still miss it but needed AWD. But the new interior on the Fit based HR-V with all touch screen controls seems terrible. Please tell me it is not terrible.
Love the case, but that lightning is not my thing. I absolutely love the SSD dock in the front. Cool stuff.
I was completely surprised to see that the Rare Replay collection didn’t include Conker from Xbox. Grabbed by the Ghoulies is on there and runs perfectly fine.
I lived in Germany for 4 years up until the wall fell. I cannot give blood ever. From the red cross website:
Dante’s Inferno had better art design and sound design, for sure. The weapon effects were stunning. And the tech was darn impressive: some HUGE vistas played out in the game with insane draw distances and wonderful atmosphere. I enjoyed it after Kratos overstayed his welcome. The change in mythology was just what that…
Tried out the all touchscreen controls on the Honda HR-V. Horrendous, which is a shame because I loved my previous Honda. Touchscreens are terrible in places that have cold winters, because “touch compatible” gloves either suck, or don’t keep your hands warm on those severely cold days.
How does one do a fresh install of Win 10 from a system that was just upgraded through MS’ program? I don’t have an install file to work from or anything. Might be worth giving this machine an enema.
I don’t know if I have the patience for that stuff anymore! ;)
It’s a desktop. I keep trying to install the new nvidia driver, but that fails. I can try resetting cards and such. I also find the new windows snap feature (windows plus arrow keys) does strange stuff, sometimes showing me a zoomed out view of windows open on my second monitor, sometimes snapping to odd sizes.
I’m on the cusp of buying a new PC, and this makes me hesitate and rethink. I was all set to go back to the mac. Why? Because Windows 10 makes me want to take a drill to my temple. My rock solid almost 5 year old PC now has a score of problems. Freezing on shut down. Freezing on restart. Login issues. My computer…
Well, you’re not customizing a base from scratch like in Fallout. You are completing missions to build up sections of your base, like the medical wing. As you complete these things, more options in the game open up. There are 3 wings, and there is only one mission in the alpha that lets you build a section in the…
The problem with DS3 was more pronounced - not enough resistance in the sticks, slippery surface, and people with big hands could actually have their thumbs bump together when pushing right on the left stick and left on the right stick. The DS4 addressed some of that.
I like it. They have a great cover mechanic. I think the graphics look great (not as good as the original E3 demo, but the environments do make me stop and admire them), and the gunplay is grounded in reality. The weather and day/night cycle is gorgeous. The base building and RPG elements are fun to me. i want to play…
Been playing the division alpha on my Xbox one and loving it. Wondering where I would find that time for a second console this gen. Too much gaming. Too little time.