
Don’t forget Bungie got started with Marathon, where the main villains were rampant AI’s. Sound like 343 went back to Bungie’s roots.

But even working with relatively primitive technology, Verhoeven pretty much pulled it off.

Except you can’t play titan fall by yourself. :-(

Halo 4 is in the Master Chief collection. Does multiplayer work for each of those games?

I don’t think I have the patience to complete the original Halo on legendary. Congrats!

Ok, I get the gender flip thing is the new hotness. But if they really want my attention, the should gender flip an entire team, like all of the X-men. I don’t want to see a women take up a man’s costume, I want to see them write from the perspective that all of the characters have always been this way. An alternate

I can barely tolerate crafting (infusing) in Destiny. I hoard weapons and armor on the off chance I might get something I want to upgrade, and spend too much time looking at stats and trying to get good drops. Just looking at that list in the article stresses me out.

I think this game looks too large for me! I want to play it but I know I do not have the time to explore every nook and cranny.

Seems like a better title could have been “Agoraphobic streams games to reach out to the world” or something along those lines. I agree that the headline suggests games are to blame, while games are actually a way he’s connecting with others.

Don’t forget that Ghost changed dev teams completely at one point, and then it was canceled on gamecube (I think). It switched from stealth oriented to more action oriented, too. Blizzard bought the developer who was remaking it (I think the team behind the thoroughly enjoyable “Metal Arms”), and they were absorbed

343 made the mistake of listening to gamers when they bitched non-stop about 1080p and 60fps as something that matters for the last 2 years.

Man, I just want a windows alternative to the Apple Pro Keyboard. I love the keyboard, love the feel of the keys. I tried the amazon basics keyboard and the keys feel like they reflect the low price point (such a shame).

Man, I just want a windows alternative to the Apple Pro Keyboard. I love the keyboard, love the feel of the keys. I

Misconception: playing a video game will turn the player into a serial killer, sexist, or racist.

Solid work, Jason. I know this stuff is a lot of work, but I will cast my vote for more in depth stories like this!

I thought he left a while back. Huh.

Of course, in order for it to play movies, I had to download and install the Microsoft Blu-Ray player app, which took 20 minutes.

In the source article, she says this:

Awesome - I’d love to see more positive kickstarter stories in the future.

Perhaps cover a success story next time for a change of pace?

I’m most excited for Rogue One. Even more than the new film coming in December. :)