
I skipped buying this game and was going to gamefly it instead, but I just removed it from my queue when I kept reading about bugs. Sad to see the trend continues. Ubisoft should stop Assassin's Creed and just go make a Black Sails game.

Looking at it now, I like the triforce version of the original 3ds much more. I'll settle on black since I don't care to play Majora's Mask.

I liked the movie ending WAAAAAAY more.

Oh man, when I said earlier today I didn't understand their choices (no regular size New ads with swappable faceplates), they come out with this. Someone over there at least partially gets it.

I will never understand the odd choices Nintendo makes. I'll take the bigger one, I guess.

Thank God, I have a business trip coming up and wanted a new 3ds so badly!

"To be fair" really, really makes my blood boil for some reason.

I'm having a flashback to the 32x. Let's bolt on some more crap onto this franken-PS4!

I played threes for 10 minutes at a best buy iPhone demo kiosk and had reasonable fun. Then I never felt the need to play it again. I'm glad a saved a few bucks and didn't buy it. It's the game equivalent of "sensible chuckle" magazine:

And Halo 4

LOL, that's a weird fetish, I guess, but I don't judge!

What did they gain by doing this? Just notoriety?

I have stopped visiting some sites altogether because of the toxicity. The internet might be getting worse as a whole.

You are being OK so far from what I can see. :-)

A very large amount of the video game press broke Wheaton's Law, too.

Interesting that amidst Konietzko's very direct words "You can celebrate it, embrace it, accept it, get over it, or whatever you feel the need to do, but there is no denying it.", he never said "deal with it."

I was under the impression they got bumped from a Saturday morning slot to a less desirable timeslot (and then eventually online) because they straight up killed characters on screen. Nickelodeon didn't like it. I swear I read that somewhere. They also claim declining ratings, but I believe the show was pushing

I'm torn between the ultra cheapness of the HD6, versus a 7 inch version of an amazon tablet. If I want slightly more screen space, I'm really tempted to bump up not to the HD 7, but to the Kindle Fire HDX: it's 7 inches, hi-res screen, better CPU. The 7" HDX is lighter than the Fire HD7, and the HDX is only half a

I'm torn between the ultra cheapness of the HD6, versus a 7 inch version of an amazon tablet. If I want slightly

Sometimes when you guys refer to a controversy, then link to your own sites about it, it makes me reconsider how much of a controversy it really is.

These guys knew exactly what they were doing, and used the press to get exactly what they needed. Bravo to them in that regard.