It's given me somewhere to start, thanks! My comment was from october but your reply is much appreciated. Been busy and haven't gotten back into music yet.
It's given me somewhere to start, thanks! My comment was from october but your reply is much appreciated. Been busy and haven't gotten back into music yet.
Me too. I just got shipped Watch Dogs!
That is the exact same conclusion I came to.
The nice thing about physical games that require installs to the hard drive is that if I want to keep it and go digital instead, I can ship the game back and not have to download anything else. My Xbox One prompts me to buy games that were installed from disc if the game…
Oh man, you are missing out! I love it. I never feel ripped off any more. If I try it, don't like it... just send it back! Games are roughly $60 new here. Even if I keep the game for a month I usually feel it's worth it for an extended, no pressure rental.
Is the frame rate better now? Inquiring minds want to know. When I gamefly this, downloading that 6.7 GB patch file is going to suck.
Meanwhile, Hatred's creators are continuing to do what they've done since day one: revel in how "controversial" their game is, how far pushing people's buttons has taken them. This despite the fact that Hatred is an angsty pastiche of a truly horrific event, shock entertainment waving its arms and bellowing, "NOTICE…
Hmmm, it used to be religious nuts telling me video games would corrupt the minds of children... the behavior of anti-video game groups today plays out a bit more like the horseshoe theory.
Too bad we can't see the footage of it running.
Holy shit. This is terrible. The song itself, the concept, the video, everything is bad. Well, I guess that massive budget had to get spent somewhere.
If anyone's perpetuating the negative stereotype of a gamer, it's you. Life's too short, man. Relax.
He doesn't. He's been on television defending gamers back when ME2 was under attack for having sex scenes.
Is it possible to simultaneously love this and think it will look ugly as sin in an entertainment center? I know the XB1 gets flack for being a big black box, but nobody has ever noticed it at my place. They'll notice this gross grey thing, though.
Is this beast fast? I'm thinking about upgrading my 120 from a few years back - adobe's creative cloud tried to fill my hard drive this week and I need to expand, but I want to go as fast as possible for a larger replacement.
Is this beast fast? I'm thinking about upgrading my 120 from a few years back - adobe's creative cloud tried to fill…
Mass Effect 3 multiplayer (as a cheap download title, I'd be all over it). Cross platform with older gen is a pipe dream, but I'd love it.
I've always had the impression that the developers of GTA are mocking everyone - especially players.
Visit, cgsociety, and even the zbrush forums to become familiar with many of the artists and their amazing work.
I own quite a few video game artbooks for games I never played. I just love the art that went into it.
That isn't the game Ubisoft made. They made what amounts to a showpiece for a new graphics engine, a game that will initially turn heads but which quickly reveals itself to be frustrating, repetitive, and dull.
I would buy a 1080p remaster of ME3 multiplayer in a heartbeat. I don't need the rest at all.
Good for him! I suspect a few sites would die based from turning off comments… so I doubt we'll see that move forward for much of the web world. But if I had the youtube viewership he did, you can bet your behind that comments would be disabled.
Sequel, DLC, doesn't matter. I'm finished with Destiny. It felt like half a game and 1/5 of a story to me. I'm done.