
Oh my lord, no. The massive majority of gamers are people who do not know who Zoey Quinn is, have never watched a Sarkeesian video, and have never commented on Kotaku. Most gamers are good people. They don't care about the people we have been seeing posted about this week over, and over, and over.

There has been

Oooo, I'll take Super Time Force for free. Cool beans.

I find her critique of gaming about as interesting as Roger Ebert's, who was fantastic at insulting people in this industry and riling people up with his misunderstanding and misinterpretation of video games. Ebert had disdain for video games as a whole and I feel she does, too.

I feel like the demos on XB1 are almost non-existant. Lego games have demos, but I know how that's going to play already.

Coloring the lightbars for PS4 owners to visually link up their players is a great idea.

Damn I wish I was this good. Beyond that, I wish I was able to animate pixel artwork with each frame looking this good.

The zombies look top notch.

When the game was first out, I almost always won when playing as the zombies and almost always lost while playing as the plants - the zombies had a clear edge. Now, I feel like the plants have the edge and "win" more often in Gardens and Graveyards. I guess if you stop the zombie team 2 or 3 slots in, it's kind of a

It was at least 6 people (I have no idea what the "thanks" people in the credits did), but it doesn't take away from the insane quality of the work. The talented TD's probably made his animation work a lot more fun to do, and his modelers did a bang up job.

I hope it's better than "The Strain".

If this was a limited PS4, it would just have the shiny removable part of the case with a laser etching of the symbol in the middle of the XB1 controller above.

Gamers get infuriated over everything. This latest "outrage" just showed that (1) gamers have short memories and (2) they can't wait a few months to play the dang game.

I love that there are "kill towns"! It fascinates me how the player society/world developed in game.

I'm unfamiliar with either game, but I had a dozen people point that out. I wonder why kotaku didn't know.

Just in time to compete with Sony's similar offering. That screenshot looks tight, though. I want an open world zombie game similar to these two, but without being preyed upon by other players. I don't have the time or patience for that anymore.

Stumbled on some particularly graphic sex pics today in a kotaku article. Luckily nobody was looking. I couldn't report it because i couldn't risk having that stuff on my screen.

What, sony owners can't wait a few months? It will be on their platform.

Anyone got a close up pic of the controller? I don't need to upgrade my whole machine, but that controller looks more understated than the titanfall one.

Cinema Sins is terrible.