You guys in the press contribute a lot to this nonsense.
I just want them to remake Mass Effect 3's multiplater. Not even the rest of the game, just the multiplayer. When Sony released Killzone MP as a standalone I thought it was a brilliant move.
I'll settle for a $40 version of ME3 multiplayer brought to next gen.
I have spent way too much time playing PvZ Garden Warfare on XBL. Mostly I encounter the following:
I find Sony's trashing of EA Access "value" confusing when I see this info.
I thought that outworld (or whatever it's called) is already post apocalyptic. The art is fantastic, though.
I wonder how badly they would have trashed EA if they wanted to charge by the hour.
Oh man, that is facepalm worthy.
The ships seem like needless load time. Make a small, light on the memory menu for that shit.
Cinema sins really hasn't held up well as a format over time.
Neither has "How it should have ended". They can't come up with great endings to all movies that are out, so they just end up inserting references and characters from other movies.
I was not impressed with the demo video linked in the article. Earlier videos showing what the settings did seemed more impressive.
Warning! That youtube video is SUPER loud even at low volume settings!
They need to kick it up a notch and make cyclops a guy with one eye in the middle of his head.
Kinja does not make it easy to follow full conversations anymore.
Sorry if I was unclear. I'm not claiming athletes are not public figures. They certainly should protect their likeness rights like an actor or actress because it is quite often tied to how they make money - through endorsements! I also think NCAA athletes get a raw deal for a variety of reasons… but that's off topic.
Kinja ate my source link!…
Kinja ate my link!…
NCAA athletes are not public figures in the same way a head of state is.