
Who among us was actually confused by these buttons for more than a few seconds? I trust users to learn and move on.

And by the way, you can't use a person as a character in a commercial product without his/her will...

Did Sony make the PS4 with that shiny removable panel section just so they could customize one piece of the PS4 for bundles like this? Seems like anyone with the proper machinery could do the same and make a killing doing custom jobs for people.

Edit: Someone beat me to it.

I think this is right up there with Javik as a preorder bonus with ME3. That character was a lot more significant to the story then many of the non-dlc secondary characters that were part of ME3.

And has any site out there played the game yet?

Anyone know if it's actually fun yet? I feel like we all have slightly different ideas in our heads of what the game is going to be.

Yeah, I've moved to IGN mostly for game news. The community is terrible but they tend to cover games straight up. I'll check out RPS.

Polygon does it plenty. From what I understand over there, they were not performing so well in terms of ad clicks/views/etc and there was a shift in the narrative to add more sensationalist "gotcha" style hit pieces. They went from being the bastion of new video games journalism to employing people like this (a

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare. Love the game on XB1, PS4 owners are going to have a blast with this one. Such a refreshing change. I got an XB1 with titanfall, but it quickly went on the backburner after I played Garden Warfare. So beautifully animated, the sound is hilarious, tons of insane game modes, and the

I don't care as long as I get new content for this game. I can't stop playing it.

So, where is all the coverage for good Oculus content?

They have shown me so much cool stuff, but so far they haven't shown that the game is fun and I don't think there have been any hands on impressions. It looks fun, but so far I just have to hope that it won't be boring and beautiful.

Hell, yeah. I was ready to buy Guacamelee on X1. You don't beat free.

How in the world did they get access to cinebox? I know a dozen or so people (not including me) who would love to get their hands on it.

Great vid. More stuff like this, please, kotaku!

Holy shit some of these look fantastic in robot form. My old powerglide didn't look that good. The Chromia robot form just oozes a creative style and design.

I was pleasantly surprised by Freddie's performance in ME3.

I enjoy IGN. Do I think it's better? Yes. And as much as people hate on IGN, sites like Polygon and Kotaku routinely post about the news revealed in IGN's exclusive articles and interviews. I don't understand the hatred towards them when I see how tired people get over the controversies stirred up by Polygon and

Yes. Go to IGN, where they pretty much talk about games the whole time. I'm not saying it's 100% free, but so far they don't make themselves the subject of the news like kotaku does. Beware the comment section, though. Not worth your time.