Kotaku dropped a major Batman Arkham City spoiler in a headline, IIRC.
Kotaku dropped a major Batman Arkham City spoiler in a headline, IIRC.
From a plot standpoint, if you break enough laws, eventually men with guns show up to stop you. It would have been neat if you had to counter the threat of guns and deadly/overwhelming force by hacking the world around you to your advantage and running like hell.
This has nothing to do with video games... but I want it more than I ever wanted any video game ever.
Being an adult with an income and no kids is freeing. I can enjoy every platform for its merits, and make no apologies for loving all of them.
Except for my Ouya. I hate that thing.
I was surprised to see the multiplayer only portion of KZ:SF was over 30 GB to download. That's insane.
Talked to a gamestop employee and he said they cannot keep the darn camera in stock. For all the talk about nobody wanting kinect, those PS4 cameras are selling like hotcakes and going for really high prices on the secondary market. Even gamestop is marking it up new.
What's the source?
That will teach kids to play outside. Get back inside!
Let me guess - now everything Naughty Dog releases will be sexist now that she is gone.
Maybe Microsoft forgot.
Watch as Twitch plays Flappy Bird on this Pokemon themed vape cube
For those that guess without looking at the source article, it's in 13/16 time. Weird.
There is nothing quite like having youtube load an ad, and then the titanfall ad load on top of the youtube ad. Adception.
Civ Rev is really, really fun. Well worth this download price of $0.
I wasn't impressed with the "improved" textures when the comparison was showsn on kotaku. But the game is still fun as hell, so the more version the better.
This guy seems reasonable and he will take serious heat from the internet for it.
Here is the official announcement on the playstation blog: http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2014/02/26/clo…
Cool beans! Was there an official announcement? I only ask because there is no source link in the post.
Oh, Knack. So boring. At least Killzone looks next gen.
Good luck suing over a game that parodies almost everything in recent media and pop culture.