
Just beat killzone. Loved the graphics (1080p, 30fps, and I didn't notice a dropped frame at all) and some of the levels. It was, however, very inconsistent gameplay wise.

That's about as faithful to a source as one can get. Wow.

To quote the great poet Vin Diesel: It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile...

Damn that game is gorgeous. Nintendo will soon have a decent Wii U library and then I might pick one up.

This is why we need a modern Assassin's Creed - to induce horrible fear in gamers.

That has been my experience. I've politely called politicians to voice disapproval on things only to have them add me to their mailing lists and get phone calls from their campaigns asking for donations.

This guy got attacked for talking to gamers how gamers talk to reporters, developers, and each other in the comments of any article or forum. His new game looks very beautiful.

The gaming press has turned into a mob, and kotaku is at the front of the crowd holding a torch. Someone congratulate Jason.

Somewhere deep in a cave, Rob Liefeld stirred and awoke from his slumber...

Well, there is no shortage of crappy games on the app store. If we are going to see so many of these per day, can we group them like Kotaku Core? Perhaps Kotaku Crap?

Developers need to release something soon so we can see more articles on actual video games.

This article is false.

Somebody please release or announce a new game so the gaming press has something better to talk about.

Please don't post horrible stuff like this.

"I've been fighting destiny for a long time now..." UGH.

I remember the "pink goo" article that ran on gizmodo, and the bannings that happened to commenters who rightly called that article false.

No Shia Labeef means this movie is automatically better than the last three.