I would play the crap out of this.
I would play the crap out of this.
I would have rather seen MS post the Gears of War/MS Hitler rant.
That pink screen at 1:06. Wowzers.
I've had some delicious chicken with chocolate sauce in the past. Putting it on a sandwich doesn't seem too crazy.
If the the plural form of Xbox in German Xboxen? If not, it should be.
Those are still some pretty lo-res textures for an HD PC re-release in 2014.
I bet that cast was expensive.
Good, now perhaps this story can die and we can move on to covering video games, rather than covering idiots.
I saw a thread on gizmodo in which Sam Biddle (now at valley wag) kept asking to show his penis to a female commenter. He would talk about his penis a lot. Usually when someone would point out an inaccuracy in one of his articles. People cope in strange ways.
Thank god you have a new sexist story to cover. I thought for a moment that games might pop up at some point.
However, if you look at the video's credits, you see listings for VFX, make-up and post production. So, it's highly likely that this is CG and not quite our inevitable real-time digital retouching future. One day!
Looks like the writers on jezebel are no better than the worst commenters on kotaku. You just have a bigger platform to shout from.
The time for panic has passed. It's time for people high up to be fired.
I would have snapped this up in a heart beat. Too bad it isn't coming to the USA.
The XB1 controller turns off it's wireless components when plugged in via USB, so perhaps it could work with some third party USB controller software? The mac has one that works with nearly everything - it lets you customize like crazy.
I'm waiting for the DLC, Kodoku Core.
Also keep in mind that the tone of the articles on a site can have great influence on the tone of the comments below the article. Take a look at gawker.com for a quick look. Most of those headlines are just plain nasty, and the comments reflect it (and worse). Then go look at some of the enthusiast headlines on…
Good news, it's coming to PS4! This one is only a timed exclusive on Microsoft platforms (360, One, PC). I think 6 months until PS4 owners get it.
Wow, polygon/EA Games Australia are behind the times. This isn't a new mode.
As you can see, despite some major alterations to the alleged source image, the two images look very much alike. The rub here is that BioWare itself came under fire for using external images as the basis of artwork that appeared in Mass Effect 3. An image of Quarian castmember Tali without her mask on and the backdrop…