Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Kaepernick knelt (stood) for oppression and racism. Yet, he wore a Castro shirt in Miami. — that’s like wearing a Hitler shirt in Jerusalem !! He also called another player a ni*ger on the field and got reprimanded by the NFL for it. I guess he was feeling his white half…
Alcoholism is an illness?
This years LA Rams team tells me how good Steve McNair was... he overcame Fis(c)her!
What’s the big deal with her working again? She’s was aquitty by a jury of our peers.
But they can’t follow a lead, “I wanna be a professional school shooter,” on YouTube...
He ain’t Marvin Harrison on or off the field ...
lol! Google it. It’s not hard to find
What was Kaepernick kneeling about anyways? Oppression and racism? He wears a Castro shirt (in Miami)! That’s like wearing a Hitler shirt in Jerusalem! He gets reprimanded by the NFL for calling someone a nig*er on the field...
If you ask me, it has been going on since Hines Ward broke Kieth Rivers’ jaw...
Because she’s on the USWNT. Maybe her opinions and status is taken less lightly, since all the USA women do is fuck up lately.
Maybe if the USA women’s team wasn’t busy getting domestic violence charges, DUIs, getting kicked out of Disney World while making threats to security....
Can’t wait for Kobe’s inspirational tweet to J-Lin about #mambamentality and staying the course....
Err body wanna be Alexi but nobody wanna be Alexi
It’s about time... Stevie G ain’t walking through that door....
What’s so bad about Mcgregor’s training video? They’re both hitting different size/style of bags. I don’t see how the big difference? Unless you’re a former pro boxer, how can you say? This article is shallow and pedantic...
Maybe 1 ring in 18 years isn’t good enough any more....