New headline: "Lamest Christmas party in history at Gameloft?"
New headline: "Lamest Christmas party in history at Gameloft?"
And pictures of his clothes and underwear
Goddamnit I want to visit another planet so bad, but I'm so worried that we won't even get close in my lifetime.
Wow this is very smart!
Haha, I liked the Japanese one: "Can't help you. No idea what's going on"
This is a good video to showcase how much of this years games were very similar to each other both in tone and content.
But can you find this in the middle of a forest?!
Why the hell would he want to speak, he has a fucking ninja sword.
I don't want to complain since I have a pretty old model, but after installing it, I'm still uncertain about it.
I'm not American, so it's not like I know, but I have a feeling that many people think "research" on a subject equals with watching the report on Fox News and actually believing what their experts have to say.
I grew up with Counter-Strike and other pillars of multiplayer shooting from that era, so crouch jumping is something I fondly remembered in this game, even if I couldn't pull it off as skillfully as I used to.
Yes, that caught me as very inspiring.
God damnit this is really emberrassing to read. This is what happens when you ask everyone's opinion, the loudest ones will be coming from those who know nothing.
Looks fine, but I honestly don't understand what makes it different from the dozens of other online shooters that flood the market.
The servers got hit very hard, I'm refreshing like a madman and nothing happens
I know that this is not the most state-of-the-art super amazing graphics in the world, but I loved how the game looked and felt. I thought it looked awesome.
Psygnosis' shutdown made me really sad, considering that Wipeout games are among the most well-designed and outright fun racing games in the world.
I was not even aware of this problem until the patch came around.