
"Think a combination of Half Life, Borderlands 2, Angry Birds, and Faerie Solitaire."

I'm unsure, it just sounded like a cool, unexpected idea.

Maybe it's not a Metal Gear Solid game, but it's a sequel to the ORIGINAL two Metal Gear games!

Wow these are super pricey, can't we include some more affordable, but still good quality choices?

Really? I've been really curious about what it's like since I've heard about it, but unfortunately I don't have a 4+ Android device, so I'm actually looking forward to it

I'm usually a supporter of Gabe's ideas about the future of gaming, but I'm on the fence about this one, console gaming vs. mobile gaming is very shaky business right now, so I don't see how PCs fit into that picture right now.

Wow, a new Gears of War game.

And where does Ground Zeroes fit in? Or is this Ground Zeroes and they just changed it's name? Or are there really two AAA Metal Gear games in development (well three, but Rising is almost complete) ?

Even if it doesn't win, I can assure you, that it is my GOTY

I guess you could be right. Now that I think of it, BioShock 2 was not by the original BioShock team, and that was a completely fine game, so I can imagine the same team making this one.

Oh my god, what is even happening. I need more gameplay. The giant whale on fire kinda hooked me, but the other things made little sense so far.

I feel the same. We made a good deal of progress towards a world where games are equal to other contemporary entertainment mediums, and I like that a lot.

"Not a port, but they might need outside developer support on it."

Now playing

"The hardcore metal music that plays during boss fights is less forgivable."

Ash has not finished any kind of formal education, and spent years and years in the wild catching and releasing animals with her mother's full approval.

Now playing

Austin Wintory's work on Journey simply topped everything for me this year. It goes PERFECTLY with games changes in tone, and the final song is just an astonishing composition.

My vote goes for Ben. He is just awesome.

God, I don't have anymore energy for this. Will it ever cross her mind, that people are mad at her because she collected thousands of dollars for a series of videos she still hasn't made?

Rockstar Icons 4 is my favorite game this gen

This reminds me of a Snowball mod for the original Half-Life, where you had to find hot drink powerups to heal yourself and stuff like that.