Now playing

There is also footage about the event itself, if anyone's interested.

I'm Hungarian. I can only approve of this map.

And I am full Hungarian, and I approve of this.

"I'm your best chance of survival" Really? Come on man.

So based on this, we could do the cheeseburger as well? What are the differences between them in the ingredients (disregarding the size, obviously)?

Seriously, this game.

These are the times when I definitely regret the € thing. The €1 = $1 thing just makes no sense to me, and every game that would be supercheap gets a few bucks more expensive, but it's probably just nitpicking.

I'm Hungarian! Why did you think Spain?

Now we just need to add NPCs and an RPG mod. Seriously, the scripted NPCs contributed a lot to the lively atmosphere and they are really missing.

I'm very skeptical about this thing, but I hope they can make it work and marketable somehow.

I'm Hungarian.

I can't tell from his voice, because I'm European and I always hear him dubbed.

Why is this happening, I came here completely mentally unprepared, and now my sanity is suffering the consequences.


That was pretty funny actually. (PROTIP: It was not. I didn't even smile.)

I'm really bad at Deus Ex Human Revolution (at least the stealthy approach, which I want), but I love the style and atmosphere, and persuasion.

Or imagine a game where your task is to catch all the bass Skrillex is dropping while doing a show. It would be like Guitar Hero, with a plastic MacBook peripheral.

But that would require having nice sprites, and that would hold back MS from giving you ultra REAAL (brown) sreee deeee grafix with recycled action gameplay.

When are we going to Mars to find those artifacts already? We just punch the secret code into Google Translate and we will have the blueprints of the future. Easy-peasy

"We want to appeal to a wider audience"-ism at it's finest.