
VOTE: Astrid

This reminds me how I casually read up on the Narnia series, and I ended up regretting it, because I didn't know that the Narnia series has so many surprising ideas and how interesting it was.

I don't know, it was simple and straightforward. I wanted to work in the video game industry, so we made a game with a friend, we made online portfolio webpages for ourselves, and attached the whole thing to our resume. I went to a few interviews, and one of them hired me.

Now this is interesting. I wonder what they will make of it, but even though it's promising, I'm unsure if it will really really take off, but I hope, it sounds neat.

I accidentally read "Drake's Election". It would be an interesting setup for a handheld city manager game, where Drake would run of mayor, and would raise the city's wealth by obtainig valuable treasures and selling them.

My god, that was shocking and hilarious, with all the added drama. I am still laffing.

Your dog looks like super fun.

I'm trying to play through Final Fantasy XIII, but after 18-19 hours I can't find the power in myself to go on, these games are just too long for me, and I never thought I'd say that. Maybe it's just the repetitiveness.

Finally!!! I was yearning for this ever since I got a new laptop, because I want to avoid installing softare I can solve with browser based solutions.

Mass Effect 3 suffered from a severe lack of Biotic Gods. Probably the story would have been too short.

It probably sounds very inviting, but being Hungarian ain't exactly a sweet ride either.

Haha, I get it now, thanks for the help.

I'm not American, but I want to understand this joke. Where do I start.

I finished the two God of War PSP games, and I really liked them (I have no previous experience with the series beyond the common things about it). For some reason I have grown fond towards randomly screaming "GHOST OF SPARTA".

That would be the favorite thing on my planet. Especially if it included Mindstorm sensors in a similar way to Minecraft's redstone machinery.

This looks really sleek and comfy.

I played the first episode, and I was genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed it. They seemed to find a nice balance between the suspenseful and the more patient and peaceful moments of carrying the game along, and I liked the characters, it really sets up a potentially exciting drama story for the upcoming episodes.

I thought it was okay, but in the end I didn't play it again, and just watched it on YouTube. Why? Because I thought it was terrible boring that I had to play the last 3 or so levels again just to see it, because those were the levels I probably liked to least. I really liked the desperate battle atmosphere, but I

I do not understand these Sony commercials at all. They show something completely unrelated, than show a pitcure of the system they are selling, and poof. Nothing happens.

That person is super pretty. But I have never watched Californication. I don't know why, many praise it, but it just doesn't seem like my thing.