
Still enjoying it?

Reviewer is dumb and ugly, replacing him with nearly every other review from every other major tech blog that gave this phone pretty glowing reviews and ignoring the Nexus fanboi.

Have to say I’ve been able to fit nearly 200 bucks in 20s into this before with no real effort if you fold em right they slip right in

Have to say I’ve been able to fit nearly 200 bucks in 20s into this before with no real effort if you fold em right

Or magnets. How do they even work?

Joke’s on you, he doesn’t mean anything tangible...ever

No doubt this money gets funneled to someones’s just how things work there.

This coming from the guy who made Dances with Wolves feat the Blueman Group...

Top right; Diablo?

Yup if I’m on T-Mo I can call and data at the same time just fine

New Motorola Play has been tested with a Fi sim and found to be working. It’s not officially supported but if you don’t want Nexus 6 size it might be a consideration.

Racists have a way of missing the point completely or twisting it to their uses. I respect the almost practiced ignorance of some people.

Amen brother...amen.

You get used to it...I have the 6 and now anything else I pick up feels too small lol

You can use it without having to pick up the phone. You go “hey google blah blah blah” and even if off and locked it wakes up and answers you.

There is this weird contingent on every phone site that seems to only judge a phone based on these two rather insignificant gripes. SD cards can be replaced by cloud storage pretty easily and battery with Marshmallow will make you not need to run to a charger as often (the RC3 is killing it on standby power usage). I

Bear Grylls approves of this message.

A lot of this sounds SIM related...possible your entire review of how bad the service is might be based on a bad piece of hardware and not the service as a whole? For the most part I have not heard horror stories and I’m really hesitant to trust a reviewer that basically puts no effort into finding what the issue is.

Well you are talking about a philosophy that mainly benefits the people who get the headstart on life aka not the people that started behind the proverbial 8-ball by being made to be slaves to the people that invented “Capitalism” so you’d be correct.

So pretty much like a normal accident...people not paying attention. That is the great thing about these vehicles, they’re always paying attention to everything.

Samsung is running on Android...there is already google wallet...what's the point of adding more bloatware?