The Third Duckman

Oh yeah, Barks never (or at least rarely?) went full on gross like a lot of his contemporaries. It's just that the shift is interesting.

Scrooge is a really complicated character, especially considering the way he evolved between his two most beloved "biographers." Carl Barks was quite conservative (in the traditional sense), so you have a lot of white (duck) savior narratives in early Scrooge stuff, or him just plain exploiting indigenous people.

Yeah, I liked that touch, especially as they have the gag of the nephews destroying the cartoon-associated blue uniform. And, of course, having Scrooge in red.

They seem to be drawing more on the comics Donald. There are kind of three versions of Donald. The cartoon one with the happy go lucky outlook but micrometer temper; the Uncle Scrooge Donald who's actually really good at adventuring, but is a bit of a stick in the mud, and long suffering at the hands of his wacky

I'm also getting used to it not being Alan Young (a hometown boy who made it big, oddly enough), but yeah, Tennant really nailed it. And Scrooge is the best duck. He has pathos! I still have my Scrooge stuffie from when I was five.

"Sounds good to me"

Moochiiiiiiie's job had just begun…
And now Don's gone and thrown it all away

Futurama, Queen, Commedia dell'arte…there are infinite ways to mock this ridiculous man.

I'm okay with mindless fun, but there's a limit to that when what looks like two whole pages are listicles of the author's 80s nostalgia. Style matters, even in fluff.

It…it's just a list. It's. A list.

I fucking hate Jupiter Ascending, but I fucking love Eddie Redmayne in it.

I'm not too proud to admit I giggled at the "bloviating about chi" bit. You win this round, GJI. But the war has only just begun.

Misread the pull quote as "they want to eat every day" rather than "they want to eat out every day". The former is more cartoonishly evil, but not that far from what people like this actually say! Cf. Republicans and "Poor people have refrigerators?!?! Fuck that!!!!!"

I'd guess Kevin, since he's the most prone to random acts of song, but Mike has a robust musical side, too. "Where, Oh Werewolf?" indeed! Still, I'd peg Kevin for being a Chess fan more than I would Mike…

One I keep noticing as I go through Joel/Mike episodes: Somebody on the old MST3K really liked "One Night in Bangkok"…

At least Tommy (sort of) knows how to delegate.

Saw this a couple weeks ago and it still delights me. Luke's thousand yard stare as Tommy chirps at him really seals it for me.

Not even an incompetent mobster would trust Tommy to hold his lunch, let alone launder money.

It would certainly explain why the daughters are so bizarrely portrayed.

Mary Jo has said she got pretty emotional after they shot that.