
I think your article would get more attention if you had used the photo from the next article down the list....

Yeah, one can watch the rest of the movie with as much mockery as they want like it’s MST3K fodder, but Jennifer Hudson doing “Memory” will silence everything for those few minutes.

Rekindling hope in an otherwise hopeless world? I know a Dark Souls game when I see one.

God Rick Springfield is 70.

You know, I’m not a PC gamer so it never occurred to me to read Steam reviews. Thanks!

Growing up my mother used to stand above my bed, with anger in her eyes, and whisper “it’ll all be over soon” I wish she was right

I’m surprised that you as a kid would have the patience to sit through Corvette Summer three times. I didn’t get a chance to see it in theaters, instead seeing the network TV broadcast a few years later. But you don’t see much of the titular Corvette, as it get stolen pretty early on in the film. I watched it thinking

I’ll allow it. I’m watching the trailer for it now out of curiosity, and I kind of want to see it three times in a row.

Will this be on the test?

For variety night at my university college, we remade The Terminator for $8. The next semester, we went big budget for Terminator 2 and spent $38.

This, cats are trolls by nature. I had a cat that I loved to death (unfortuantely, literally) and she LOVED to snuggle. If she wanted snuggles, and I was otherwise occupied, full troll-mode would engage. She’d knock shit off of shelves/tables, stand in front of the tv and yell (like literally on the tv stand, in front

It’s because cats are dicks and that is why they rock. That is all.

It’s a bit hard to say if Pryor said that or if Murphy just wrote it into his comedy bit. I refuse to make a judgement on that. Could be either one, but Eddie Murphy was the one to use it in a video of his performance.

They don’t! Probably because the plastic flexes enough. The disposable bottles are fine as-is, and the ones that I fill, I just leave a little room at the top. Never had an issue with either. 

I have peed (and pooped!) in the wilds of Tanzania, Panama, El Salvador, Venezuela, Honduras, and Canada - where is my Prince?

Dude, it’s basically the same roster. They went with a realistic aesthetic - there’s no style / exaggeration to this at all. It was supposed to come out over a year ago, in perfect time for the close of that phase of the MCU.

This some new version of the The Princess and the Pee.

If this follows the Apatow formula, the last 30 minute mark shows you that all the things you liked about Carlin were really personality flaws due to not being in a healthy relationship with his girlfriend or wife, and not having babies.

The restart has been fantastic, between the twitter trolls posting from a door or two down (Dame, you are the man) to TJ Warren being the most exciting player. It really has been something to watch.

The National Park Rangers are advising hikers in Glacier National Park and other Rocky Mountain parks to be alert for bears and take extra precautions to avoid an encounter.