This has the ring of someone trying mushrooms/peyote for the first time. The cliched, overwhelming ring.
This has the ring of someone trying mushrooms/peyote for the first time. The cliched, overwhelming ring.
Dunkie’s’ll fuck with ya, man.
I wanna hear the Boston woman ask those questions in her... colloquial way.
Oh, he’s staying on the steroids until he dies. That was never in doubt.
This was my thought for “first horror game”. When you expose a giant cobra, after hearing it hiss and rustle for a few minutes first, and it charges at you, that is horror. Resident Evil “dog through the window” was passe for me because of those fucking cobras.
Fool’s Wood is what we call it in our household.
Testing hurts. Mildly. That is a bridge too far to do daily for our brave, fighting the good fight against STDs and bone-spurs president.
It is certainly in the dumb fun category, but it looks very fun (and very dumb, in the best possible way) for all that. I’m in.
Wistful nihilism is so much less fun when you have kids. I miss it. And sleep.
“Forward” means towards the other person if your head is in its normal position. When you tilt your head down and to the side, and your eyes are still forward, you are looking up and out of the corner of your eye into the other person’s eyes.
All three happen at the same time, so head tilted down but eyes still focusing on the other person: Looking through their lashes/ corner of the eye. It makes much more sense that way.
He’s a hipster dufus. Professional grade.
Well, damn. That answers that question. Nicely handled.
Nope, no one should. Ever. I love the stories of people passing out at his book readings when he read it, though.
Hot sauce in my ranch dressing got me through college salad bars. It is not to be underestimated.
Maybe “nuke the old city from orbit, just to be sure”?
Exploding whales we got, but trees? Dude’s not well.
That’s exactly what I was thinking (here in Oregon, too). It had that deadened sound, like after fresh snowfall. Or a town of grotesque torture demons.
The God System is overwhelmed. I can’t decide whether it’s just that everyone is suffering more than normal right now, or that the person praying is trying to pray to all the Gods at once and it’s overloading the system. The first, obviously, but the second makes me happier.