
I was wondering about NMS in PSVR. How’s the motion sickness? 

That Titanfall 2 campaign is just spectacular. But not a bad choice in those three you have lined up. Good gaming!

I would play a video game adaptation of The Postman, which sounds like what you’re describing. But RDR2 is pretty close, if you’re into making your own fun.

Did you mean, “Ousted”, or did you say what you meant. Either way that is fucking hilarious. And most likely true.

Is it still a “special” place if it’s that full, though?

If you liked New Vegas, and don’t have a ton of time, I would recommend The Outer Worlds (not Outer Wilds, though that is its own brand of amazing). It’s short for its genre, and has an interesting-ish story. Same people as made that New Vegas thingie, too, I believe.

Matlock. That is all.

Agreed. Would play.

#4- He’s on a nice farm upstate, where he can run free with the other Spectrum Children.

Sounds like someone has a spreadsheet of where all the bodies are buried.

Far Cry: Primal will scratch that itch a teensy bit.


I still play it every day. Sometimes just a match or two, but sometimes I play for hours and hours. My robot murder-boy Zen got a buff, so maybe I can finally get off the Moira/Lucio roundabout. Please? I miss kicking Tracers in the face.

Pretty sure UC4 has a “cognitive dissonance” trophy when you kill a (very large) number of enemies. They know.

It seems like they’re going down 2 separate paths (3 if count the upcoming pirate game). Gods and Monsters looks like what Origins and Odyssey were building up to, and Valhalla looks like a return to those original games. I couldn’t be more excited, actually.

When I started feeling this way, I dove into all the indie games. A lot of not-fun/ clunky games, but the ones that hit really resonate in that same way as my favorite oldies.

I think you got it backwards, if I remember my Who, but I miss jokes sometimes...

“Mommy and Daddy Juice Boxes”

And Powell’s is in trouble right now too. Buy some books, people!

Yup, in Oregon it has been a Graveyard since I can remember (mid-70s).