Absolutely a poor attempt. But don’t think very important, rich people don’t have the best taxidermists in the world ready to go at the drop of a hat.
Absolutely a poor attempt. But don’t think very important, rich people don’t have the best taxidermists in the world ready to go at the drop of a hat.
And I agree with pretty much everything you say, excepting any support for “Rage” to be made into a movie today in anything resembling it’s story form. And it has nothing to do with censoring art and everything to do with using King’s name as a cover for a cynical, “controversial” cash grab.
I hadn’t considered that, but of course she has lots of super-successful friends who weren’t raised obscenely wealthy, and who probably flick her shit about it all the time.
Can confirm.
I’ve gone back and forth on this, and came to the conclusion that it’s more making fun of an ultimate child of privilege’s inability to give the slightest of fucks. YMMV.
Okay, so you’ve read it and you still think it would be appropriate to make into a movie these days? Are you sure you’ve read it?
Especially a dad who wants to relive his COD, pre-children glory days. My personal dad picks are DVa, Moira, and Zen, but then, I never had COD glory days.
Really, this is the only argument that should matter to the “git gud” crowd. It won’t, but it should.
I’m curious: how do you feel about Overwatch, where an obviously less-skilled player can beat a very good player through treachery and good cooldown-usage? I can’t aim for shit (too old to ever really get used to dual-stick aiming), but I can wreck better players at times, especially with their counter.
That was an entirely too reasonable and gracious a response. You’re not from around these Kinja parts, are ya, stranger?
Ah, smart of him. Hadn’t heard about that. Thanks!
Yeah, I’m not saying King writing was tone-deaf. I’m saying making a movie of it today would be tone-deaf, even with an Apt Pupil-style redo of the ending.
Probably should read it before judging my critique of it. I’m a big fan of old King, and especially the Bachman books. This was a guilty pleasure when I was 13, but that doesn’t mean it’s acceptable or well-written or or or.
I thought it was going to be “Rage” which would be about the most tone-deaf thing maybe ever.
That is a good, useful GIF.
I’m the guy who bought all the Marvel and Disney movies. I stopped 5 years ago, and haven’t missed it (yet). I think digital media is too convenient to underestimate at this point, perfectly valid arguments about ownership of individual media notwithstanding.
Seriously. If there’s an option to pay extra for ad-free Hulu, I’ll get the bundle. If not, Disney+ al a carte. ESPN+ looks like a serious waste of money for me anyway (add Sportscenter and it’s a bargain), so either way, no skin off my back.
Especially if you wait to get treated until they’re THAT big.
Claire, you’re my goddamn hero in all things related to life and food, but a serious horseradish based salad dressing is amazing with steak salad.
My wife is a big Phish fan. I agree wholeheartedly with your post.