
And I agree, unless you have children. My wife would benefit from (and has said she desires) this very much, but she insisted on having children. And I’m the stay-at-home who takes care of our kids. So, basically she’s saying she wants a vacation from family life every few months to keep the relationship “fresh”.

I say got damn. That is some brutal shit. I approve. +1

God. Damn. It. Take your star, pleb.

I mean, it’s not optimal, but bad sex is like bad pizza: as long as you cum after, it’s good enough.

That’s “Miss Barbara Stanwyck”, thank you very much.

Metro Exodus

Watching my 10 year old play Mario Maker, and the flat-out vicious glee he takes in making people suffer, took me back to the level creators on Pick Axe Pete and KC Munchkin on my Odyssey 2. We were evil little bastards, just like my (possibly criminally?) insane son.

The Edgewater Mall has just been bombed with live rednecks!

Fuck. You. Take your damn star. You... you earned it.

I’m a late night, (legally) stoned “check the boxes” gamer, so this game is really coming through for me. Unfortunately my altered state makes me absolutely terrified to go after hordes, except for the one that was hanging out under a cliff I was on; pipe bombs, grenades, and molotovs took care of those fuckers (all

“Let’s you and him fight!” as my mom put it to me decades ago. She was talking about my girlfriend at the time, and truer words were never spoken.

Honestly, Jokovic is like Sabonis, if Sabonis had had his achilles broken as a teen, instead of being able to run like a deer until later in his career. Dude’s a miracle, but he’s not unique.

My pile-o’-shame is large. So large. But I clear out the story-based action-adventure games first, and I’ve been thirsting for a new one. This looks to fit the bill. It’s that or a replay of BotW, and... I dunno if I’m ready to start that whole thing over.

Some PS4 game I played recently-ish (Spiderman?) had controller sounds and both my pair of cats and my wife reacted like there was a rapist/murderer in the room. Every. Single. Time. It was a long couple of weeks.

Assassin’s Creed? I’ve had a ton of fun with the last two. While not technically fantasy, they’re close enough for government work.

I haven’t done Sekiro yet. Did you play Tenchu? Do you like Souls games? This seems like an unholy marriage of the two. I’m excited, but worried my skills have deteriorated past the “git gud” threshold.

I felt the same way after Watch Dogs 1 as you. I should play Watch Dogs 2.

Yes, friend! Please purchase without fear.

Yes, friend! Please purchase without fear.

Because that would be a Chekov’s affair, which we would have to deal with- in detail- for too many episodes. I’m happy with the way it went.

Bully 2: Battle Royale. I’m here for it.